You don’t want to miss this free masterclass

WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Reset Your Life in 7 Not-So-Easy Steps

This 40-minute masterclass feels like my personal manifesto on how to build a life you kinda love. 

  • Discover how to break free of unhelpful thought patterns and live with more passion, purpose, and energy
  • Learn practical tips for increased productivity, thoughtful self-care, and a greater sense of emotional intelligence
  • Follow interactive journaling prompts to make tiny optimizations in your daily life

10 easy ways to make someone feel extraordinarily special

This year has been marked by significant transitions and changes. And I’ve found solace in the pursuit of joy, making it my mission to cultivate moments of meaningful connection wherever and whenever possible.

In this journey, I’ve come to appreciate the profound impact that acts of kindness can have on our immediate community. It’s remarkable how simple gestures can create ripples of positivity that brighten someone’s day.

So, if you’re wondering how you can contribute to the collective reservoir of joy and make a significant difference in someone’s life, here are ten beautifully uncomplicated yet deeply meaningful ways to make someone feel extraordinarily special.

1. Tell them how they changed your life for the better.

2. Highlight a personality trait they have that makes them a good friend

3. Surprise them with a small gift. Bonus points if its something they want, need, or wouldn’t buy for themselves. Framed photos are almost always a sure winner.

4. Write a heartfelt card or letter and mail it to them. Nobody gets enough physical mail that makes them smile.

5. Give them your undivided attention. Try not to multitask in their presence.

6. Recount your favorite memories with them in explicit detail.

7. Create a personal playlist. Bonus points if you include songs that remind you of them or harken back to an important time in your relationship.

8. Plan to create a new experience with them. Making new memories is essential for continued connection.

9. Offer your help with something they need, even if they don’t explicitly ask.

10. Send them a book you think they’d enjoy.

Link Love #010

Something to check out: Over on Instagram I’m posting content every day for the next 90 days. If you’re feeling super sweet, I would love for you to share some of my posts to your stories. It really helps me reach new audiences.

Something to watch: I loved this dark basement studio makeover from Alexandra Gater. 

Something to listen to: The new episode of the SoCurious About podcast is an Ask Me Anything about being a Creative Director. This was a fun one and I get a lil bit personal. I think you’ll like it. I have one more episode in Season 1. 

Something to drink: I’m obsessing over the Simply Mixology collection. Just add seltzer water and you can explore what it means to be sober curious. My favorite on is the Lime Margarita. (This is not an ad, I’m genuinely obsessed)

Something to try: In your journal, write a conversation between your current self and your inner child. Ask yourself questions and let your inner child give you the answer. Please note: This exercise is pulled from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I’m currently reading it and its phenomenal. 

Here’s how to truly shine

In your most challenging moments, it’s easy to fall back into old patterns. 

To forget your progress.

To feel defeated.

To want to quit. 

But today’s opportunity is to remember that this season is designed to help you grow. 

This season might be confusing and at times exhausting. 

But you can’t avoid it. 

You just have to make your way through it with as much dignity and grace as you can muster. 

Make decisions with courage, not out of fear.

Make changes if necessary. 

And believe that you are being refined through this moment. 

You are becoming a wiser, more loving, more beautiful version of you.

Don’t let self doubt dim your light. 

Permission to live your life to the fullest

Imagine a tiny thread connecting your heart to all the other hearts of the people you love

the people you know

the people you grew apart from

the people you passed on the street without even noticing

The people in your neighborhood

in your city

in your country

in the entire world

Of all the people in all the world, you are literally the only version of you. 

Your individuality matters.

Your unique differences make you magical.

But we are also naturally connected

To everything that was

Everything that is

Everything that ever will be 

Collectively tangled up in each other’s destinies. 

Do the thing you were meant to do.

Because the world needs you to do that thing. 

Imagine how many people you can inspire simply by living your life to the fullest. 

SoCurious helps creative people find small but meaningful breakthroughs in personal development, career, and creativity.

A weekly dose of positivity in your inbox. Feel inspired, connected, and ready to take on the day.

Joy Bombs: Inspirational trading cards to keep, share, or leave for a stranger.

Thoughtful, fun cards designed to create deeper connections.