The Happy Feed

Let’s Talk About Conflict

Conflict is not inherently bad.

In fact, sometimes it’s necessary. 

Meaningful personal growth comes from regularly having difficult conversations. 

Better to speak your truth when an issue is fresh,

Than have it build into something bigger than it needs to be. 

Something to ponder: 

What does the phrase “keeping the peace” mean to you? After writing your definition explore how you can reconsider the phrase to include your wants, needs, and desires.

You Are Not Your Work

You are not your work. 

You are more than your to-do list.

You are more than a performance review.

You are more than take-home pay
Or benefits
Or sick leave and vacation days.

Yes, it’s a part of you.
But it’s not you.

That’s why you have to build a life outside of work.

That’s why you need hobbies
And community
And joy.

Stability matters. 

But the people in your life matter more. 

when you’re feeling under pressure

Sometimes I wonder if the challenges we face

are the reason we eventually flourish.

Maybe that pressure is transforming us into a new type of someone…

someone that’s more loving,

someone that’s more kind,

someone that’s more human.

Your Season Is Changing

what in your life is distracting you from peace

from calm

from a quiet spirit and a loving heart?

those are the weeds you must dig up.

your season is changing…

make room to plant new gardens.

But You Are Powerful

So much of self care is rewriting your moments
finding new narratives
letting down walls
and rediscovering the confidence that already lives inside our hearts. 

There are moments where you felt worthless,
but you are valuable.

There are moments where you felt defenseless,
but you are powerful. 

There are moments when you made yourself small, 
but you were designed to let that light shine. 

Something beautiful is happening.

You are growing and changing

Becoming something new.

You’re investing in your heart

And treating yourself with kindness.

And it’s working.

I know you’re not quite where you want to be… yet

but those baby steps

and incremental changes are adding up.

I just wanted to pop in and say: I’m proud of you.

xo Justin

Let’s talk about honesty

Conflict is not inherently bad.

In fact, sometimes it’s necessary.

Meaningful personal growth comes from regularly having difficult conversations.

Better to speak your truth when an issue is fresh,
than have it build into something bigger than it needs to be.

Instead of always striving to keep the peace, what if you allowed yourself to be honest?

Just keep going

When you reach that goal, you’re not suddenly going to live happily ever after. 

There will be new challenges

And new obstacles

And eventually bigger, bolder goals. 

The conundrum is that the goal is the impetus for the journey. 

And the journey is the only thing that actually matters. 

Find joy in the state of becoming. 

Find clarity in constantly evolving.

Find peace in the meaningful pursuit of your purpose.

Just keep going. 

You are already worthy

I talk a lot about life transformation, but I feel like everyone needs this reminder:

You’re already enough.

Take care of yourself. Work on those goals. Make some healthy changes if you want to.

But achieving goals have nothing to do with your self-worth. You have always and always will be worthy of love.

This Is Your Most Meaningful Work

Something funny happens when you start your self-care journey. 

The shift from ignoring your deepest needs to investing in yourself can be drastic.

You have to focus all of your attention inward to make some meaningful internal changes. And for many of us, we can become a bit selfish–at least at the beginning. 

But then you realize that your best self can come from a deep love for yourself and for your community. 

You realize that in relationship to the world, you can make leaps and bounds in personal growth.

You remember that we’re actually all in this together.