Let’s Talk About Conflict

Conflict is not inherently bad.

In fact, sometimes it’s necessary. 

Meaningful personal growth comes from regularly having difficult conversations. 

Better to speak your truth when an issue is fresh,

Than have it build into something bigger than it needs to be. 

Something to ponder: 

What does the phrase “keeping the peace” mean to you? After writing your definition explore how you can reconsider the phrase to include your wants, needs, and desires.

the failure bow

the failure bow

I walked to the front of the group, stood up straight, and with a big smile exclaimed, "Thank you, I failed!"  I then extended my arms and gave an unnecessarily dramatic bow like I'd just finished my Broadway debut.  From there, I was greeted with a massive...

There’s power in vulnerability

There’s power in vulnerability

We often hear advice about protecting our hearts and being cautious about who we allow into our inner circle. We're encouraged to practice self-care, repeat affirmations, and trust our own judgment. And while these practices are essential for personal well-being,...