The Happy Feed

you always have permission to pivot

Every day, you get to choose who you want to become. I’ve said it before—change is tough.

But it’s only tough because you have to keep showing up, day after day, as the person you’re aiming to be.

But here’s the good news: I believe in you so wholeheartedly. Keep growing.

stamp of approval

You’ve been waiting, literally holding your breath for a stamp of external approval.

But here’s the truth:

Their green light was never the key to your joy.

You don’t need their permission

to take up space

to shine

to be the main character

to be the masterpiece

Because even if you don’t believe it yet, you already are.

Turns out, the only approval you needed was your own.

Here’s a framework for letting it go (whatever “it” is)

1. Feel it fully. Name the emotion: “I am feeling ____.” Let it rise and intensify—don’t try to tame it. But be careful not to project it onto someone else.

2. Rest. Give yourself space to pause.

3. Process the emotion. Write, cry, talk it out, move, listen to music that resonates. Clean your space, nourish your body—anything that helps release it.

4. Gain perspective. Once the intensity fades, reflect. What did this teach you about your needs? How can you adjust to feel safe moving forward?

5. Own your role—without shame. If it’s a random event, great—let it go. If it’s a pattern, notice it without judgment. There’s no shame in repeating lessons until you’re ready to grow. Being human is really hard.

6. Acknowledge your humanity. Embrace every imperfect part of you—this is self-love. It’s not about changing, but accepting the parts we often want to hide.

7. Acknowledge their humanity. The person who hurt you is playing out their own story. What they did was about them, not you.

8. Forgive yourself. 

9. Forgive them.

10. Seek forgiveness—internally or directly. Ask for forgiveness, even if only in your mind.

11. Reclaim your power. Where have you given away your story—to societal expectations, family, friends, or the person who hurt you? Take back control of your life.

12. Rewrite your story. “I was ____, but now I am ____, and I’m grateful for the change.”

13. Create a ritual. Memorialize your progress—whether it’s a bath where you watch the emotions drain away, or something else meaningful to you.

14. Repeat as needed. Start again whenever new realizations emerge.

This is your journey—feel free to remix this framework to work for your individual brain. There’s no right or wrong, just what works for your unique brain. 

Striving for Perfection Is Overrated. Here’s How Embracing Imperfection Can Lead to Success

Good morning, sunshine,

We often strive for perfection, thinking that it’s the ultimate goal, but in reality, it’s the imperfections that give life its meaning.

In middle school, I started feeling self-conscious about my smile. The gaps between my teeth became a constant source of frustration, and without the option of braces, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with me.

Growing up in Memphis, where roasting each other was practically a sport, didn’t help either. By the time I got to high school, I’d mastered the art of keeping my emotions in check, all in an effort not to draw attention to myself.

Then, one random Wednesday, as I was leaving DECA club, my teacher ( I hate that I can’t remember her name) stopped me and said, “Justin, you have a beautiful smile, and the world needs to see more of it.”

That tiny pep talk gave me the courage to start showing up as my authentic self—to share my warmth through these big ol’ pearly whites.

Think about it: what would life be like if everything were flawless? A world where every conversation was perfectly scripted, every meal plated with precision, and every moment predictable.

It might sound appealing at first, but quickly, we’d realize how dull and lifeless that would be. Perfection leaves no room for surprise, for growth, or for the unexpected joys that make life worth living.

Imperfection is what makes us human. It’s what connects us to each other, allowing us to empathize and understand that we all have our own unique struggles and triumphs.

That crooked smile I hope you love? It’s a reminder that nobody is perfect, and that’s okay. It’s the little flaws and quirks that make us who we are and make the people we love unforgettable.

In your creative journey, these imperfections are not something to be hidden or fixed—they’re your signature.

They’re the marks that tell the world you were here, that you took a risk, that you tried something new.

Each brushstroke that doesn’t quite land, each note that goes a little off-key, each idea that doesn’t fully take flight—they’re all part of the process, part of the story you’re telling.

So, instead of striving for an impossible standard of perfection, lean into the messiness of creativity.

Make mistakes, take detours, and embrace the unexpected.

Share your work even when it feels rough around the edges because that’s where the magic happens.

That’s where you find your voice and connect with others in a way that polished perfection never could.

Remember, life isn’t about having everything figured out or getting it all right the first time. It’s about showing up, doing the work, and letting your unique, imperfect self shine through.

There’s a beauty in that—a beauty that perfection can never match.

Wishing you a beautifully imperfect day,


here’s how to find calm in the chaos

Good morning sunshine,

If you are feeling anxious about the world,
Stressed out about the election,
Or overwhelmed by your day-to-day life,

Here’s something simple and powerful.

It’s normal for anxiety to visit, but it’s not meant to crash on your couch forever.

Anxiety is a reminder that you care deeply about the things around you. It shows you’re engaged, invested, and human. But here’s the key: you always have a choice in how you manage your stress.

The first step is noticing.

Notice the tightness in your chest, the racing thoughts, the urge to avoid or control. Acknowledge these feelings without judgment. You’re not weak for feeling anxious; you’re human.

The second step is taking action.

be brilliant today

Good morning sunshine,

You were meant to shine bright. To light up rooms. To put smiles on faces. To use all that beautiful potential to achieve greatness.

But then there are those moments of fear, where you dim that brilliance and second-guess yourself.

Gon’ head and snap out of it. The world needs your light more than ever.

Every step you take, every risk you embrace, fuels your journey toward your dreams. 

Don’t let the fear of shining too bright hold you back.

Your light can inspire, uplift, and ignite change. 

So, be bold. Be fearless. And live unapologetically.

The world needs more of you, not less.

Take back your power and change your life

You wanna know one thing I’m personally proud of? Being able to share my heart with you in the form of this book.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and stuck in a rut? It’s time to stop settling for “same old, same old” and start being your favorite self! 

🚫 Say NO to the chaos of daily life.

🚫 Say NO to feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress.

🚫 Say NO to settling for less than you deserve.

With the Reset Workbook, you’ll learn proven strategies to:

✅ Take control of your time and energy.

✅ Break free from the chains of stress and overwhelm.

✅ Design a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

Maybe its time to take the first step towards your breakthrough. 

Order your copy of the Reset Workbook on Amazon now. 

Joy Bombs Affirmation Cards

Simply existing is filled with stress and anxiety. Add in climate change, systemic racism, global wars, and a changing economy, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

Joy Bombs Affirmation Cards remind you to pause, breathe, and practice mindfulness. They help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and resilience.

 Order your inspirational card deck on Amazon today. 

Unapologetically proud

Your authenticity and courage inspire everyone around you.

Never apologize for being exactly who you are. Your pride is powerful, and your light shines bright. Keep being unapologetically you.