Unlock your potential, grow in your craft, and build a sustainable creative career.


Working with Justin, I noticed he has an incredible talent for pinpointing a creative’s unique strengths and guiding them towards success. His insights and strategies are transformative and allow dreamers to unlock their superpowers toward the goals they shape.

– Whitney Mitchell, Digital Brand Strategy Partner at Nike

Justin has the remarkable ability to identify and cultivate potential, providing constructive feedback and guidance that propelled team members to new heights.

– David Rotman, Creative Director at Cint

Working with Justin was an absolute game-changer for my graphic design career. His guidance and insights have not only helped me refine my technical skills, but significantly improved my presentation and soft skills.

– Kevin Ingle, Senior Visual Motion Design at Dell Technologies

Justin has a unique gift for helping people see their potential. His insightful questions and attentive listening created a space for me to explore my career goals and navigate a difficult job market and land a position as a senior video producer.

– Tallie Daniels, Senior Video Producer, Rewiring America

It started with a dream…

You were overflowing with creative energy, bubbling with ideas, and yearning to leave your mark on the world.

And in many ways, you’ve already done it.

You’ve been in the creative industry for a while now, learning and growing in your full-time job. You’ve made an impact in areas that were important to you. But deep down, you know you want more.

It could be:

But reality often feels discouraging.

Your full-time job consumes your days, leaving little space for creating what’s next. Balancing your passion with the demands of your career seems like an impossible feat.

For years, this journey has felt fragmented.

You’ve read countless books, listened to podcasts with conflicting advice, watched YouTube tutorials, and even took a few courses. They gave you the dopamine spike you needed to take small steps, but it was hard to take daily, deliberate action. The isolation of pursuing your creative goals alone was too daunting.

Until now.

And I don’t use the word “transform” lightly. To step into something new, you have to let go of something you’ve known. This community is designed to give you the support you need to stop clinging to the old version of you and step into the next version of you.

Let me be clear: there’s no one roadmap for every creative. But this program provides the support and accountability you need to take the next steps.


Finding clarity and setting intentions


Creating EPIC goals and building your roadmap for fulfillment


Designing your personal creative operating system (a productivity system that works for you and your unique brain)


Building your personal brand with authenticity


Group accountability to stay focused and keep you moving forward (even when you want to give up)


Mindset coaching to help you face the challenges that surface.

How it works:

Biweekly group sessions

We meet every other week, so you have time to implement what you’re learning. In these sessions, we share our wins and discuss the challenges you’re facing.

Hot seat sessions

Every month, you’ll receive dedicated coaching where we focus on the specific challenges you’re facing. It’s a chance to get personalized advice and support that’s just right for you, helping you grow and succeed alongside your peers.

A supportive slack community

Between meetings, we have a supportive Slack community where you can ask questions, get feedback on your progress, and have accountability for taking the next step on your journey.

Are you ready to take the first step in following your passion and aligning with your purpose?

This transformational group coaching program is $350 a month. But for a limited time, I’m offering 3 months of group coaching for $950 ($100 in savings) because I believe the real value of this program lies in committing to multiple months, giving you the time and space to see your ideas blossom into something tangible.

This program is for you if:



You recognize your current situation isn’t fulfilling your creative or professional needs.


You’re open to embracing new strategies and mindsets for growth.


You’re committed to biweekly sessions, active participation in community, and taking action on your goals.


You value community support and accountability and are open to sharing your challenges


You feel excited to encourage other creative professionals and cheer for their successes


You have a positive mindset toward personal growth and change.


You’re financially prepared to invest in group coaching

Meet your creative career coach: Justin Shiels

I’m uniquely suited to lead this group coaching program because I’ve followed every thread that lit my heart on fire.

Professionally, I started as a graphic designer, then web designer, art director, and ultimately became a creative director in advertising (with experience in B2C, B2B, and public health).

I know the delicate dance of working in creative leadership and what it’s like to hire, fire, and lay off employees.

I also ran an independent branding and web design studio, juggling finding clients and managing freelancers to produce high-quality work.

I’ve launched profitable side hustles, including: growing a local culture magazine, co-founding a conference for creative entrepreneurs, and doing custom illustrations for books and publications.

I’ve self-published multiple magazine issues and books and most recently published “The Reset Workbook” with Spruce Books, a subsidiary of Penguin Random House.

But I also know what it’s like to deal with crippling self-doubt, anxiety, and burnout. I’ve experienced the sleepless nights, low self-esteem, and fears associated with not knowing if I’ll make enough money to live comfortably.

Through studying emotional intelligence, going to therapy, and earning a certificate in career coaching, I know that I can confidently lead this group because I have faced the same challenges you do.

I understand what it’s like to be a multi-passionate creative professional, and I’m committed to walking with you on this journey because I believe that with the right support, you can achieve everything you imagine.

You just have to believe it’s possible and take the first step.

I know how scary it can be to take the first step

But I know firsthand that to reach any goal, you have to start by making tiny steps in the right direction.

It’s in these small, courageous actions that you begin to find support, build connections, and gain the encouragement needed to keep moving forward.

This supportive community could be the catalyst that changes your life’s trajectory.