Wellness Tip: Write down your achievements

Give yourself credit for the things you’ve achieved this year/month/week. Don’t be critical of yourself without realizing how far you’ve come. Taking the time to reflect on the past can make you aware of your progress and have the potential to increase your happiness, motivation and confidence.

And yes, it’s okay to celebrate every tiny win. My list starts with making up my bed every morning for the past three months.

Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset

Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset

And just so we’re clear: Your life doesn’t need to be in shambles to need a reset. Sometimes you need to slow down and evaluate how things are going and make some tiny adjustments to build the life you love. 01. You’ve been running on autopilot. Going through the...

How to allow your emotions to evolve

How to allow your emotions to evolve

Within any given emotion contains the potential of infinite depth. Depth that at it's core contains a contradiction.  By feeling grief, you can better experience joy.  By embracing your anger, you can become more compassionate.  By experiencing your...

A meditation for the recovering perfectionist

A meditation for the recovering perfectionist

I’m wholeheartedly committed to loving myself despite the occasional chaos within my mind.  In my beautiful imperfection, I embrace the journey of constant learning and personal growth. I chose this path with confidence and joy And I can change direction whenever...