Wellness Tip: Change your scenery

Plan a trip somewhere far away from your everyday life, preferably in nature, where you’ll have the space to rest and rejuvenate yourself.

If the time off or funds are not possible, plan a day trip to the next city or small town.

A small break from your usual surroundings is often enough to boost your energy and reset your mood.

Introducing The Reset Workshop

Introducing The Reset Workshop

AN ANNOUNCEMENT Are you ready for your reset? I'm hosting a 5-week mastermind that helps you break free of unhelpful patterns and live with more passion, purpose, and energy. The course runs from February 21 - March 21, 2023 and I'd love for you to enroll.  Learn...

Step outside your comfort zone

Step outside your comfort zone

To live in the present is not to let go of the past Your past is always with you Every moment of hope. Every painful defeat. Every deep embrace. Every broken heart. The challenge — and I genuinely think this could be the beauty of living — is to not allow the past to...