Positive Affirmations for a Mental Reset
Today we’re doing a mental reset and focusing our attention on self love, self worth, and believing in our capacity to make positive change with these positive affirmations.
But what are positive affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that help challenge our negative thoughts. Repeating them often will help you overcome self-sabotage and find greater confidence in yourself.
I release any thoughts that are holding me back.
I am already enough and I don’t need to do anything to feel more worthy.
I was born worthy.
Every space is a space where I belong.
I release every fear around chasing my dreams.
I am worthy of success and open to all the beautiful possibilities that are coming my way.
I am ready to use my gifts for good in the world.
I attract incredible opportunities.
I release feelings of guilt.
I forgive myself for the mistakes I made along the way.
I am committed to making positive changes in my life.
And every day is a new opportunity to focus on growth.
I love the person I’m becoming.
I release my anxiety.
I am confident in my capacity to handle any challenges that might arise along the way.
I trust my ability to make good decisions, no matter what happens.
I no longer allow worry to stop my progress.
I release any feelings of shame.
I love my beautiful body and the way that it supports me day after day.
I set my own standard of beauty.
And I acknowledge that I am beautiful in this moment and every moment.
I release any feelings of regret.
Love is abundant. Everywhere I turn I see new opportunities to make meaningful connections.
I attract the love that I am willing to give to the world.
I am a magnet for good people because I am a good person.
I release my pain and trauma.
I am a survivor of all of my bad days so far.
I will not let the past control my vibrant future.
I will keep believing that good is out there for me.
Love is out there for me.
Joy is out there for me.
Peace is out there for me.
I release feelings of doubt.
I am confident in my skills and know what to do next.
The answers have always been inside of me on the other side of fear.
I am ready to step beyond that fear and take decisive actions that change my life for the better.
I release feelings of bondage.
I am free to live my life boldly and be the most authentic version of myself.
I love who I am right now at this moment… imperfections and all.
Nothing will stand in the way of my freedom of expression.
I release negative self-talk.
My brain is a safe and loving space.
The kindness that I give to the world is the kindness that I give to myself.
I honor my inner child and treat them with consistent love.
Because I am worthy of consistent love.
Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself with these positive affirmations.
I hope these affirmations light your soul on fire and help you to reset any negative thought patterns.
Revisit this video as often as necessary and believe that all the good that you can imagine is not only possible but that it’s probable when you’re willing to do the work.
If you enjoyed these positive affirmations, you might also enjoy these blog posts:
September 2022: Justin’s Business and Life Review
How to reset your life when everything is falling apart
In 2016, I cried more than I have in my entire life.
It started with a breakup. Then followed the startling realization that my rent would soon double. I moved out of my beautiful office and away from my beloved studio mate. And the final shocking blow, our country elected a new president.
Given a set of circumstances completely outside of my control, things simply fell apart.
But I decided that I still wanted to be happy even when everything was crashing down around me. Here’s how to reset your life.
Allow yourself to feel all of the feelings… for a specific and limited amount of time
The majority of those 2016 tears came to me during dramatic ending scenes on network TV or live performances from Chance the Rapper on Saturday Night Live. If I’m honest though, I was processing so many of my losses through a Roku addiction. There were moments of intense rage–screaming into pillows. There were even a few weekends where I smoked endless bowls in an attempt to disassociate from my ongoing pain. I let this go on for weeks…months even, but then I decided I had to start living again.
The key for me was setting time limits.
After the initial fits of wallowing, I gave myself permission to be as sad as I needed to be only on the weekends. Through the workweek I plastered on a smile and rejoined the daily grind.
As I started to heal I increased my limits: I could only drink on Fridays and Saturdays. Weed became an end of workweek treat.
Eventually I stopped needing the time to be bummed out. I stopped needing to disconnect. And I actually wanted to be a part of the world again.

Lean on your friends, talk about your problems, but let go of the endless loop
I’m thankful to be surrounded by an incredible group of human beings that provide immeasurable support. They invited me on road trips, cooked delicious meals, and bought me cocktails. Most importantly, they listened to my emotional rants and provided much needed advice along the way.
In the best-case scenarios, they even asked the tough questions, forcing me to acknowledge my propensity for backwards steps.
After talking things through over and over again, I decided it was time to change the conversation. I stopped talking about the breakup blues and directed our interactions (and sometimes even our experiences) to just be about enjoying each other’s company doing something new.
Cut out the things that trigger your sadness
I genuinely believe that as humans sometimes we fall into the habit of self-punishing: listening to that sad song over and over again because it makes us feel terrible, trolling our exes Instagram account to see who they’re dating, or falling down the Google rabbit hole obsessing over the 45th president’s new scandals.
Whenever possible, it’s best to let go of those habits that hurt us.
Sometimes it feels good to have a good cry from a sad song, but maybe listening to your workout playlist instead will set a healthier mood for the day.
Focus on personal growth to reset your life
It feels cliché, but the best time to work on yourself is when you’re not feeling so great.
In times of trauma, focus on building yourself up. Learn to cook a new healthy meal, set a personal fitness goal, or start a daily meditation practice.
There is nothing more powerful than feeling more in control of your mind and body.
One of the most important reminders, specially when things feel out of sync is to remember that peace comes from within. You don’t need answers from external sources. Closure talks very frequently end with more pain, more questions, and more time necessary to process.
Let go of emotional weight by decluttering
Everything we own has a certain amount of emotional weight. One of the most cleansing personal rituals is to thoughtfully let go of items that you no longer need.
Start with your living room and move throughout the space, decluttering and boxing the excess. As you clear space, move to the other rooms of your house, assigning the perfect space for everything you own.
Give yourself a project to reset your life
Channel your anger, sadness, and pain into something tangible. Make a mosaic from the shattered plates you cracked in a state of rage. Start that podcast you’ve had on the backburner. Focus your energy on decorating your now clutter-free apartment. Challenging times often inspire the heights of creativity.
There are a thousand reasons to want to give up on everything and lay in bed all day eating pop tarts while binge watching “Ugly Betty” for the thirteenth time. But the interesting thing is that despite it all, we all still can make space for happiness.
The impetus for SoCurious came from the most challenging moment of my life–a period where everything fell apart. But I rebuilt. I refocused. And I started over.
If you enjoyed this article on how to reset your life, you might also enjoy:
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September 2022: Justin’s Business and Life Review
Hey there, beautiful humans!
This is the second official business and life review where I share a behind the scenes peek into the highlights, the challenges, what I’ve recently created, what I’m currently consuming, and some goals for the next month.
September was both good and challenging. It felt like so much hard work was taking place, but in some ways I felt like I was a bit blocked. Perhaps it was Mercury in Retrograde, but overall I felt less optimistic than normal. That being said there were some great highlights. Here’s the full recap:
1. I received the art notes on the book
Turning in the second draft of my workbook to my publisher was a whirlwind. I hit the deadline on time and celebrated with a trip to New Orleans. But as weeks started to pass as I waited on feedback, I got a bit nervous.
I think this thing happens with creative people where we start to doubt our work. I’ll be honest, I went through all the phases of feeling like I’m not quite good enough. But fortunately I was able to move through that doubt into an understanding that my goal is to make the best work possible and that involves editing and making changes to make sure the work really shines…. That’s just the process.
After receiving the art notes, I finally felt like I could breathe.
While there are lots of changes, the majority of the feedback that I received I genuinely agree with, so I was actually thankful to have a neutral third party to give me thoughts on how to just make things better.
The process is slow, but I’m slowly starting to see the finish line. I cannot wait til this first one is done so I can start working on the next one!
If you’re looking to transform you life now, you can order my self-published book, The Reset Workbook.
2. I relaunched the Patreon account and invited some new members into the fold
One of the most important things for any creative person is building a sustainable revenue stream of predictable income. My goal is to get 100 patrons in the next 3 months, but I think its going to take a lot more dedicated content creation to hit that goal.
But to entice readers to join in following my journey, I started posting regularly on the Patreon channel with lots of fun freebies. I also decided to offer a special promotion where I’m sending out a batch of postcards to the current subscribers.
Are you interested in helping to see SoCurious grow? Have you been moved by the art that I’ve created? Become a patron.
3. The Youtube channel continues to grow.
I knew that launching a Youtube channel would be hard, but I severely underestimated the amount of time and effort it takes to make one video.The good news is that I absolutely love making video content. It’s an interesting way to do storytelling that challenges me to think about audio and visuals in an exciting new way. I genuinely love it.
The first four videos are focused on the creator economy. The purpose here was to make content that solidified my expertise as a creative entrepreneur. I’m actually in love with where I landed with the videos and feel really proud that I was able to commit and complete 4 videos. But it my second batch I want to switch things up a bit.
I’d like to focus a little more on the woo woo, feelings side of me a little more and make some content that centers on the art that I create, motivational affirmations, and some more content that centers self care and wellness.
If you would like to do me a huge favor, would you head to my channel and subscribe. You can also help me grow by leaving a comment, liking a video, or watching the full video through to the end.
I’m still in the early days, so my video views are still radically low and your support could be a gamechanger.
4. I’m excited to share that I’m an official speaker for Badassery, a curated marketplace for diverse thought leaders to get paid speaking gigs
Speaking is not only a passion, its probably the thing that i love to do the most. Storytelling is the heart of everything I do and sharing practical tips sets my heart on fire.
Currently I have two workshops that I teach:
- Unlock Your Creative Potential with 30-day Challenges (which I’m actually teaching at the Neurodiverse Entrepreneur Conference Oct 18-20th. Sign up, it’s free)
- How to Use Self-Care to Build a High-Performing Team
- No, really… everyone is creative
You can book me for your next event here: https://badassery-hq.com/speaker_public/justin-shiels
5. I’m officially working with my first set of coaching clients.
One of the greatest things to happen in September was that I was able to meet with 6 different people to learn more about them and their creative journey. Being a coach for creative people has always been a dream because I love investing in people and their growth.
The biggest thing that I’ve missed in this journey of being a fulltime artist and writer is having the time and space to connect with other people. And as a Creative Director in advertising and marketing it was a big part of my job to mentor my team. Coaching absolutely fills that void.
The biggest challenges I’ve seen from the people I’ve met with so far are:
- Finding focus and narrowing the to-do list to the most important elements
- Moving beyond fear and just starting
- Promoting your work both on social, but also individually to the people in your network
- Building a winning portfolio
- Creating a marketing plan that helps you to achieve your goals
- Knowing when and when not to invest
- Giving yourself grace in the process
- Letting go of the vanity metrics of social media
- Trusting your gut and moving forward despite the fear that comes up
- Making adjustments and pivoting when things are not working
If you’re interested in learning more about coaching with me, you can sign up for a free discovery call here.
Things I created in September
Ask Me Anything About Being a Creative Director – Blog and Video
Side Hustle Ideas for Creative People – Blog and Video
Best tools, software, and apps for creators – Blog Post
Some new illustrations of aliens that I’m obsessed with – On Instagram
Let’s talk about how sneaky fear can be in your creative journey – Inspirational Post
Motivational mantras to encourage a growth mindset – Blog Post
6 Types of Full time Creators – Youtube Video
Printable Planner Pages – Sometimes the best way to clear your brain is to write it out. These Printable Planner Pages include the organizational tools you need to grow your business. Pages include: Best Year Ever, Quarterly Goal Setting, Quarterly Recap, Best Month Ever, Monthly Goals, Monthly Recap, Best Week Ever, Meal Prep Planning, Workout Recap, Best Day Ever, Action Plan, and a Weekly Planner
These pages are free for Patrons or you can download them for $19 from the online shop.
Patreon Exclusive Audio: Here’s how a $200 pair of shoes changed my life.
Currently reading:
The FireStarter Sessions by Danielle Laporte (1 chapter left)
Why I love it: It genuinely hits you in the heart and shakes out the fear around defining success on your own terms
The Dark Archive (The Invisible Library Novel Book 6) by Genevieve Cogman (in progress)
Why I love it: This fast paced sci fi and fantasy book series blends everything I love about books, the victorian era, and murder mysteries.
Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic by Osho
Why I love it: Sometimes I can get stuck in my own head. I’m learning to live in a better state of knowing and this book is unlocking some hidden secrets.
What should I be reading? Shoot me a DM on Instagram.
Currently watching:
Bee and Puppycat on Netflix
It’s kinda like Steven Universe (my favorite cartoon of all time) but much weirder.
The Good Fight on Paramount+
A cerebral deep dive into law, politics, and identity politics. Every season gets trippier and trippier and the final season is not disappointing.
Reasonable Doubt on Hulu
The only way I can describe this show is that its like a mix of Scandal and She’s Gotta Have It. A little messy at times, but the cinematography is so beautiful and the plot line is VERY compelling so far.
What else should I be watching? Shoot me a DM on Instagram.
Goals recap from last month:
1. Officially relaunch my Patreon page.
Status: Complete, although I have plans to continue to promote the Patreon in new and innovative ways.
2. Learn how to cook a new meal.
Status: I learned how to cook turkey meatballs with a delicious asian sauce. It’s sooooo good!
Status: Technically complete, but this is staying on the list for next month.
4. Take professional headshots.
Status: Incomplete. Moving to this month’s goal list.
5. Schedule at least one podcast or speaking engagement.
Status: Completed. Sign up for the Neurodiverse Entrepreneu Conference, it’s free. I’ll also be on a podcast coming out in October that I can’t wait to announce.
6. Start consistently posting Youtube videos.
Status: Completed! And continuing to make videos this month as well.
7. Finish the final draft of my workbook and plan another celebratory vacation. I’m thinking Chicago this time.
Status: Incomplete.This will actually be a November goal now – which is weird.
My goals for October
1. Take professional headshots.
2. Continue working on the new workbook. Update the art and text based on publisher feedback.
3. Book 6 new introductory calls and convert 2 additional coaching clients.
4. Launch a new online shop.
5. Release a new product (This is still a secret, so no spoilers yet)
6. Post 4 new videos on Youtube
Talk To Yourself Like You’re A Three Year Old
Optimism is a choice you make every single day.

But even on the days when it’s hard to see the bright side of things, you can choose to be kind to yourself.
And that starts with your words.
The easiest way to do this is to talk to yourself like you’re a three year old.
When you break a dish: “That’s okay sweetie. Let’s clean it up. Mistakes happen.”
When you feel like you’ve failed: “You tried your hardest and we’re going to keep trying until we figure it out.”
When you’re feeling sad: “Take the time to process. You don’t have to rush to feeling better.”
Being human is hard and we live in our heads all day.
Make it a safe and loving space.
Something to ponder:
Finish this sentence: One thing I like about myself is ________.
Keep adding to the list until you’ve exhausted everything you can think of.
Dealing with tomorrow one day at a time
How do you fuel the highest version of yourself?

It starts with food of course.
And maybe meditation
Or journaling.
For some it’s running or cycle or yoga.
There are coloring books
Making things
Conversations with God
Reading books
Studying philosophy.
It often involves therapy
And walks in nature.
Sitting by water
Feeling sand between your toes.
Taking meds
Hot showers or long baths
Long talks with old friends
Sometimes making new friends.
Going on dates
Falling in love
Falling out of love
Learning to love yourself more.
Letting go
Moving forward
Moving on
If not all of these, at least some…
Over and over again.
A journal prompt:
Create your own list by finishing this statement:
When I’m at my best, I am…
SoCurious helps creative people find small but meaningful breakthroughs in personal development, career, and creativity.

A weekly dose of positivity in your inbox. Feel inspired, connected, and ready to take on the day.

Joy Bombs: Inspirational trading cards to keep, share, or leave for a stranger.