How to allow your emotions to evolve

Within any given emotion contains the potential of infinite depth.

Depth that at it’s core contains a contradiction. 

By feeling grief, you can better experience joy. 

By embracing your anger, you can become more compassionate. 

By experiencing your fear, you can more easily find courage. 

There’s no need to master your emotions. 

You just have to feel them. 

And allow them to evolve. 


Reflect on a recent experience where you felt a strong emotion. What unexpected insights can you gather from feeling that particular emotion.

The secret power of forgiveness

Forgiveness is not merely an act of kindness toward others; it is a profound act of self-liberation. 

When we extend forgiveness, we release the burdens that weigh us down, healing both our hearts and souls. 

By forgiving others, we unlock the door to forgiving ourselves, embracing growth, and finding inner peace.

As you forgive, let go of resentment, bitterness, and anger.

And make room for compassion, understanding, and healing.

Remember, forgiveness is really a gift you give yourself.


What would it mean for you to truly forgive? How do you envision forgiveness transforming your life and relationships?

Sometimes you just need a good cry

In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget the power of simple acts of self-care. 

But these seemingly small moments hold incredible transformative potential. 

They remind us that even the most overwhelming challenges can be conquered, and that within us lies the strength to rise again. 

So, let’s honor our needs, embrace these moments of solace, and watch as the mountains before us become manageable hills.


Recollect a time when you allowed yourself to release emotions through tears. How did it make you feel afterward? Did it bring you clarity or a sense of relief? How did it affect your perspective on the challenges you were facing?

How to do any self-initiated creative project

  1. Decide what you want to do.
  2. Commit to finishing.
  3. Go after the goal with your full heart and assume that its going to work out.
  4. When you feel like giving up… keep going.
  5. Finish the project and share it widely, while letting go of any specific expectations on what could happen from releasing it to the world.
  6. Go back to step one.

Real creativity is connecting uncommon threads

As a young creative I discovered that everything interesting had already been done.

I was doomed to never be an original.

To create something that was truly unique that changed culture. 

But as I’ve matured, I’ve learned that true creativity is the capacity to make new connections between disparate ideas. 

Creativity is seeing how one interest feeds into another interest.

How you can mix all the things you love with your life experience to create something that is unique to you, even though maybe it’s not completely original.

Learn from the greats, then add a dash of you. 

That’s real creativity. 


Think about your creative journey and how your interests affect your creative process. Write about the connections you have made between seemingly unrelated ideas or passions, and how these connections have influenced your creative output.

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