Recommendations #011

I didn’t really talk about it, but since May 2022, I’ve been in the middle of a health scare. I finally posted about it on social media. (In case you missed it)

I just started reading a lush, regency romance novel with a black lead. Aphrodite Duke by J.J. McAvoy is absolutely for you if you enjoyed Bridgerton. 

Watching this kitten aggressively eat a beet literally was the highlight of my day. #adorable

Me You & God by Jidenna has been on repeat in my house. The album explores intimacy in all its beautiful forms with a funky 70s vibe. 

The album got me thinking more about why so many people are non-monogamous. And this article helped me think about it a little deeper. 

Things to consider before having that difficult conversation

I’ve been thinking a lot about difficult conversations lately.

And how they’re an integral part of our personal and professional lives, even though initiating them can be a daunting task.

But they are necessary because they serve as a bridge to resolution, understanding, and growth.

While they might seem uncomfortable, they prevent the slow build-up of resentment, which can be toxic to relationships.

From personal experience, I’m learning that a little discomfort now is far better than harboring long-term bitterness. But before you dive into a difficult conversation, consider these questions:

1. What do you want them to learn?

Think about the key message you want to convey. Be clear about the information or perspective you want to share.

2. How do you want them to feel?

Consider the emotional aspect of the conversation. Do you want them to feel encouraged, respected, or perhaps challenged in their viewpoint? Understanding the desired emotional outcome can guide your approach.

3. What do you want to happen after the conversation is over?

Envision the aftermath. Do you aim for a resolution, a compromise, or simply a better understanding between parties? Knowing the desired outcome can help you navigate the conversation more effectively.

Don’t shy away from those uncomfortable talks; they might just be the catalyst for positive change.

So I’ve got some big news: Introducing the Reset Workbook

So I’ve got some big news.

After many months of research, writing, illustrating, editing, and waiting, I can officially say: The Reset Workbook is officially available for preorder on Amazon!

This fun guided journal is designed to help you build emotional intelligence, establish new habits and rituals, and set inspired (yet practical) goals to fulfill your dreams.

Click now to preorder.

But there’s more.

I’m excited. I’m proud. I’m nervous. I’m overwhelmed.

But also I need help.

And I’m horrible at asking for help.

If you’d like to support me in the launch of The Reset Workbook, I would be honored for you to sign up the launch squad.

As a squad member, you’ll have a vital role in the book’s success and get some pretty cute perks.

Learn more here.

How to stop comparing yourself to other people

1. Accept where you are in your life right now.

In fact, don’t just accept it. Celebrate it. You made it this far from where you started and that’s incredible.

2. Do a digital detox. 

That constant scrolling might be leading to you thinking that everyone has it more together than you when in reality, you’re just seeing the highlight reels, it’s not the full story.

3. Learn something new that will get you closer to your goals. 

Everything you want to achieve is within your power if you’re willing to commit to your growth. So learn new skills and implement them.

4. Confront that negative voice in your head telling you you’re not enough.

 It is wrong. You are enough. You always were enough. You will always be enough.

5. Let go of the need for material goods to define your happiness.

 It’s awesome to feel comfortable enough to buy the things you want. But possessions are not a substitute for meaningful self love. In fact, it can often be a distraction. 

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