don’t wait til tomorrow to be brave

When fear grips us, we confront our limits, uncertainties, and both imagined and real boundaries. 

But pushing through these fears builds resilience and serves as a powerful reminder: we’re all a little scared, doing the best we can with what we have. Empathy is the cornerstone of building genuine community. 

So acknowledge the fears and face them head on. Because fear can be a profound catalyst for personal growth and deeper connections.

today’s inspiration: I am manifesting unshakeable peace

I am manifesting unshakable peace

The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan

The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others

The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work out

The kind of peace where I know that my intentions speak louder than my words

The kind of peace where my actions are always revealed to come from love

Take back your power and change your life

You wanna know one thing I’m personally proud of? Being able to share my heart with you in the form of this book.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and stuck in a rut? It’s time to stop settling for “same old, same old” and start being your favorite self! 

🚫 Say NO to the chaos of daily life.

🚫 Say NO to feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress.

🚫 Say NO to settling for less than you deserve.

With the Reset Workbook, you’ll learn proven strategies to:

✅ Take control of your time and energy.

✅ Break free from the chains of stress and overwhelm.

✅ Design a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

Maybe its time to take the first step towards your breakthrough. 

Order your copy of the Reset Workbook on Amazon now. 

affirmations: even in uncertainty there can be peace

10 thoughts on finding peace in moments of uncertainty.

1. Embrace the Present Moment: Find peace in the now, letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.

2. Focus on What You Can Control: Direct your energy toward what you can influence, and release the rest.

3. Practice Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate the good things, no matter how small, amidst uncertainty.

4. Develop Resilience: Build mental and emotional strength to handle whatever comes your way.

5. Stay Connected: Lean on friends and family for support and comfort during uncertain times.

6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Use mindfulness practices to stay calm and centered.

7. Find Joy in Small Things: Appreciate the simple pleasures in life that bring happiness and peace.

8. Adaptability: Cultivate a flexible mindset that allows you to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances.

9. Set Small Goals: Focus on achievable tasks to create a sense of accomplishment and stability.

10. Trust the Process: Have faith that things will work out as they should, finding peace in the journey rather than the destination.

Joy Bombs Affirmation Cards

Simply existing is filled with stress and anxiety. Add in climate change, systemic racism, global wars, and a changing economy, and it’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

Joy Bombs Affirmation Cards remind you to pause, breathe, and practice mindfulness. They help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and resilience.

 Order your inspirational card deck on Amazon today. 

allow me to reintroduce myself

Hi, I’m Justin.

As an artist, I don’t just create—I breathe life into ideas, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. My work is a testament to the beauty of the human spirit, each piece telling a story of hope, empowerment, and transformation.

As an entrepreneur, I don’t just sell products—I craft experiences that connect people to their hearts and ignite their passions. Every venture is a labor of love, a step towards innovation, and a commitment to making the world a little bit brighter, a little bit better.

As a heart-centered coach, I don’t just guide—I nurture, support, and inspire. I believe in the power of empathy, the strength of vulnerability, and the magic that happens when you truly connect with someone’s soul. My mission is to help you uncover your true potential, to walk with you on your path, and to celebrate every triumph, no matter how small.

So, allow me to reintroduce myself. I’m Justin, and I’m here to make a difference. Together, let’s create something beautiful.

PS. I’m relaunching my coaching services in the next few weeks with 1:1 and group coaching offerings. 

inner peace is knowing the world is a mess and still choosing joy

I am manifesting unshakable peace

The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan

The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others

The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work out

The kind of peace where I know that my intentions speak louder than my words

The kind of peace where my actions are always revealed to come from love

the power of books

Books dare us to seek out that spark of happiness, even in the midst of the everyday grind. So, keep turning those pages, chasing that joy with every new world you explore.