Recommendations #017

Recommendations #017

Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset.  My book launches next week. I still genuinely can't believe it. I would be honored if you preordered a copy (or a few). There are 2000 on backorder. Your preorders help drive this number up.  I'm knee...

Here’s your permission to transform

Here’s your permission to transform

Even your dreams will become a prison if you don’t give yourself the room to be flexible. To change.  To grow.  Just because that’s what you wanted 10 years ago, doesn’t mean that’s what you need now. Here's your permission to...

Recommendations #016

Recommendations #016

Hey friend! Yesterday I announced the 90 Day Reset Course and we already got our first two purchases. This self-paced coaching course is for curious people that believe that transformation is possible. Snag a $50 discount by entering the code “PRESALE”...

what if one day is supposed to be today

what if one day is supposed to be today

There are so many things competing for our attention these days and it seems like everyone is a little more irritable, a little more exhausted, a little more emotionally fatigued. Given a limited amount of energy, we have to be careful where we direct our focus. And...

Recommendations #015

Recommendations #015

I chat with Taylor on the Inner Warmup podcast about liberation through improvisation. This is a part of her series on the importance of play and is one of the first times I got to chat extensively about my experience doing improv.  Building on that,...

Recommendations #014

Recommendations #014

Fall is absolutely the time for sweet potatoes. Here are 40 recipes to make this season.  I made the book trailer for the Reset Workbook. (youtube)  It's been a minute since I took a vacation, but this article reignited my travel bug. How Much...