by justin | Apr 13, 2023 | Personal Development
When you can, spread joy and laughter. When you can’t, be a witness…to their pain, their sadness, their hurt. Sometimes the most meaningful way to show someone you love them is to sit with them and just...
by justin | Dec 6, 2022 | Creativity, Personal Development
We all have big and small changes we want to make in our life. And change starts with believing that everything you desire is possible. It will take effort —sometimes lots of effort. But the new energy you crave starts with making a plan. Building a vision board is a...
by justin | Jan 26, 2022 | Inspiration
What if your peace is too valuable to let one small thing ruin your day? Journal Prompt: Think about something that currently frustrates you. What are you learning from this situation? How is this experience preparing you for the next stage in your...
by justin | Jan 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
Change takes tremendous effort and lots of time. So start with something small. Something that stretches you a little, but is also achievable. This is your permission to take the first step. Journal Prompt: Choose one of the 4 quadrants of change and write 3...
by justin | Jan 12, 2022 | Inspiration
There’s something deeper that is calling all of us To walk in our purpose To make To do To create To live out loud And love with our whole hearts Journal Prompt: What’s one small way you can live out loud...