Sometimes you’re going to have to quit

by | Inspiration

Sometimes you’re going to have to quit.

Or change direction
Or change the scope
Or change your expectations

…and that’s okay.

Not everything is meant to work out.
But that doesn’t mean you’re giving up.

Maybe you’re just heading towards a dream that works better for you.

Today I’m Looking Back On This Year

Today I’m Looking Back On This Year

Today I am looking back on this year. Celebrating the tiny victories.Mourning every defeat.And examining my heart and the spaces where there is still room to grow. Journal Prompt:What were the top 5 moments of this year? Why were these moments so special? How can you...

Change is scary, but that’s not all bad

Change is scary, but that’s not all bad

Change is scaryChange is confusingChange is hard But oftentimes a little discomfort leads to incredible growth. The hardest and most beautiful part of being an adult is realizing that you have to design the life you want to live. Joy doesn’t just happen. You have to...