A friendly reminder to commit to your dreams

A friendly reminder to commit to your dreams

When it comes to your dreams…If it doesn’t come immediately, that should not be used at as a sign that you should move on. That should be your sign to commit to your growth and see what happens. Every journey comes with trials and tribulations because the universe...

Redefining hope in times of trouble

Redefining hope in times of trouble

A meditation on hope Hope is not just a feeling, it's a choice you make. It's the belief that things will get better, that you have the power to make a difference. When you choose hope, you open yourself up to new possibilities and the courage to take action towards...

Here’s how affirmations literally changed my life

Here’s how affirmations literally changed my life

Breaking news: Affirmations aren't just for hippies and dreamers. Even though I’m kinda a hippie and definitely a dreamer. Here’s the story behind why I made an affirmation card deck. I’ve always struggled with self-confidence. I somehow can simultaneously feel like...

How to find your perfect morning routine

How to find your perfect morning routine

Ah, mornings – the battleground where dreams of productivity and wellness collide with the snooze button. In this article, we'll discuss how to start and commit to a perfect morning routine. There was a time when I always found myself waking up and already feeling...

Nice vs. Kind

Nice vs. Kind

We live in a world of people that are always nice. Nice is boring. Nice is fake. Nice is saying what people want to hear instead of what they need to hear. Kindness is different. It takes meaningful effort. And it doesn’t always mean you’ll be liked. What if you...

A message for the procrastinating creative

A message for the procrastinating creative

People don’t talk a lot about the discipline it takes to be a successful creative. It’s showing up every single day to make something. It’s promoting your work regularly. It’s showing up for your community. It’s building, launching, refining. Over and over again. Even...

I’ve got some fun news.

I’ve got some fun news.

After a pretty rough start to the summer, I'm happy to have some good news to share. I am thrilled to announce that I was selected to join the 2023-24 cohort of the Long Table Collective with five other phenomenal creative professionals, including: @gkjcreates,...

June 2023 Recommendations

June 2023 Recommendations

In The Weekly Reset Email I share a variety of recommendations. Here's a roundup of all of the links from the month of June. Something to read: This article might help if you struggle with forgiveness. A podcast to listen to: Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange,...

Here’s how you really let go

Here’s how you really let go

For so much time I held life with clenched fists, doing my best to control the outcomes.  I thought if I held my hands tight, maybe I could keep all the good in and keep all the bad out.  But even with closed fists, there is loss.  You hold on to “it”...

How to allow your emotions to evolve

How to allow your emotions to evolve

Within any given emotion contains the potential of infinite depth. Depth that at it's core contains a contradiction.  By feeling grief, you can better experience joy.  By embracing your anger, you can become more compassionate.  By experiencing your...

The secret power of forgiveness

The secret power of forgiveness

Forgiveness is not merely an act of kindness toward others; it is a profound act of self-liberation.  When we extend forgiveness, we release the burdens that weigh us down, healing both our hearts and souls.  By forgiving others, we unlock the door to...

Sometimes you just need a good cry

Sometimes you just need a good cry

In the chaos of everyday life, we often forget the power of simple acts of self-care.  But these seemingly small moments hold incredible transformative potential.  They remind us that even the most overwhelming challenges can be conquered, and that within us...

How to do any self-initiated creative project

How to do any self-initiated creative project

Decide what you want to do. Commit to finishing. Go after the goal with your full heart and assume that its going to work out. When you feel like giving up… keep going. Finish the project and share it widely, while letting go of any specific expectations on what could...

Real creativity is connecting uncommon threads

Real creativity is connecting uncommon threads

As a young creative I discovered that everything interesting had already been done. I was doomed to never be an original. To create something that was truly unique that changed culture.  But as I’ve matured, I’ve learned that true creativity is the capacity to...

A meditation for the recovering perfectionist

A meditation for the recovering perfectionist

I’m wholeheartedly committed to loving myself despite the occasional chaos within my mind.  In my beautiful imperfection, I embrace the journey of constant learning and personal growth. I chose this path with confidence and joy And I can change direction whenever...

May 2023 Recommendations

May 2023 Recommendations

In The Weekly Reset, I share recommendations of interesting things I found on the internet. Here's a collection of links for May. Something to watch: I binged Queen Charlotte on Netflix this weekend and I agree with this Variety article: it is the best Bridgerton...

There’s power in vulnerability

There’s power in vulnerability

We often hear advice about protecting our hearts and being cautious about who we allow into our inner circle. We're encouraged to practice self-care, repeat affirmations, and trust our own judgment. And while these practices are essential for personal well-being,...

How do I find my creative voice

How do I find my creative voice

To be a prolific creator it takes an enormous amount of discipline. To show up every single day and fight the blank page. To dance with your insecurities. To make things even on the days when you feel like everything you make is terrible. That discipline is what leads...

Live footage of me trying to find my confidence

Live footage of me trying to find my confidence

You actually have to practice believing in yourself It doesn’t just all come together.  It starts small and slow  It’s wobbly and unsure  But as it grows and develops it becomes something bigger. Something more sturdy Something more real And that always...

the failure bow

the failure bow

I walked to the front of the group, stood up straight, and with a big smile exclaimed, "Thank you, I failed!"  I then extended my arms and gave an unnecessarily dramatic bow like I'd just finished my Broadway debut.  From there, I was greeted with a massive...

The little-known tv shows that low-key changed my life

The little-known tv shows that low-key changed my life

After coming across a tweet that listed underrated shows the author didn't believe people watched, I felt inspired to create my own list. Popular - A dramatic comedy set in a high school where rival queen bees become stepsisters. This show had my friend group in...