90 Day Reset Preview: Temperature Check/Setting Intentions
Lost in the fog? The 90-Day Reset is your compass to find clarity of purpose. Discover your values, set goals, and steer your life in the right direction. Here's a sneak peek of the first lesson in the series that helps you set Intentions. Join the 12-week self-paced...
New Goals. Same Me
there’s still time
Recommendations #017
Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset. My book launches next week. I still genuinely can't believe it. I would be honored if you preordered a copy (or a few). There are 2000 on backorder. Your preorders help drive this number up. I'm knee...
Here’s your permission to transform
Even your dreams will become a prison if you don’t give yourself the room to be flexible. To change. To grow. Just because that’s what you wanted 10 years ago, doesn’t mean that’s what you need now. Here's your permission to...
who knew a sinus infection could be so enlightening
I take vitamins and supplements. I work out 3-5 times a week. I eat relatively healthy and over the past few weeks I’ve been eating extremely healthy because I absolutely did not want to get sick this holiday season. But sometimes your body tells you it’s time to...
Recommendations #016
Hey friend! Yesterday I announced the 90 Day Reset Course and we already got our first two purchases. This self-paced coaching course is for curious people that believe that transformation is possible. Snag a $50 discount by entering the code “PRESALE”...
what if one day is supposed to be today
There are so many things competing for our attention these days and it seems like everyone is a little more irritable, a little more exhausted, a little more emotionally fatigued. Given a limited amount of energy, we have to be careful where we direct our focus. And...
Recommendations #015
I chat with Taylor on the Inner Warmup podcast about liberation through improvisation. This is a part of her series on the importance of play and is one of the first times I got to chat extensively about my experience doing improv. Building on that,...
the seasons were changing and I was becoming something new
There will be beautiful moments that make you feel like the sun only shines for you and dark days where it feels like the rain may never stop. Unbelievable clarity and unexpected pain. Devastating disasters, but also uncanny coincidences – the type of coincidences...
transformation is possible: are you ready for your reset?
2024 is your year of intentional growth! I’m beyond excited to announce the 90-Day Reset, a self-paced coaching course that will help you move from confusion to clarity. Click now to learn more. Click now to learn more.
Recommendations #014
Fall is absolutely the time for sweet potatoes. Here are 40 recipes to make this season. I made the book trailer for the Reset Workbook. (youtube) It's been a minute since I took a vacation, but this article reignited my travel bug. How Much...
what does it look like to fully try
What does it look like to fully try? To do literally everything in your power to make that secret dream of yours become a reality. To go so big that you feel a little bit cringy. But that’s okay. Because being a little bit cringy means you were willing to...
Recommendations #013
I’ve always loved ephemeral art and this installation by Thomas Jackson of fabrics moving in the wind is so beautiful. The Bird Migration Explorer is your guide to the heroic annual journeys made by over 450 bird species, and the challenges they face along...
…but i’m also kinda okay
Feelings change like the wind. Always in motion. Intentionally temporary. Meant to be experienced, accepted, and ultimately let go. You’re not sad. You feel sad. You’re not happy. You feel happy. You’re not angry. You feel angry. The key idea being that...
let’s talk about cultivating inner peace
Peace is not the absence of conflict. It's a state of being. It's the understanding that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on others. It’s acknowledging that bad things will happen. but remembering that we have the opportunity to decide...
Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset
And just so we’re clear: Your life doesn’t need to be in shambles to need a reset. Sometimes you need to slow down and evaluate how things are going and make some tiny adjustments to build the life you love. 01. You’ve been running on autopilot. Going through the...
Recommendations #012
There are officially 49 days until the release of my new book, The Reset Workbook. One of the best and most meaningful ways to support me and the work that I do is to pre-order your copy from Amazon. For every preorder, Amazon will purchase two additional copies. If...
How to do any creative project
1. Decide on what you want to do. Every journey starts with a decision. Select a creative project that speaks to your heart, something you are genuinely passionate about because your enthusiasm will be your driving force throughout the project. 2. Go after the goal...
i made a whole podcast y’all
Here's a quick recap of what you might have missed in Season 1 of the SoCurious About podcast. Episode 1: Here’s how affirmations literally changed my life Episode 2: Here’s How I Created an Affirmation Card Deck from Scratch: My Step-by-Step Process ...
Recommendations #011
I didn't really talk about it, but since May 2022, I've been in the middle of a health scare. I finally posted about it on social media. (In case you missed it) I just started reading a lush, regency romance novel with a black lead. Aphrodite...
Things to consider before having that difficult conversation
I've been thinking a lot about difficult conversations lately. And how they're an integral part of our personal and professional lives, even though initiating them can be a daunting task. But they are necessary because they serve as a bridge to resolution,...
So I’ve got some big news: Introducing the Reset Workbook
So I’ve got some big news. After many months of research, writing, illustrating, editing, and waiting, I can officially say: The Reset Workbook is officially available for preorder on Amazon! This fun guided journal is designed to help you build emotional...