Let’s take a temperature check

Good morning, sunshine

How many decisions does it take to overwhelm a human?
About 35,000 a day—at least, that’s the average number most people make.

Tiny ones, like what to wear or what to eat.

And big ones, like how to spend your time or your energy.

It’s no wonder life feels heavy sometimes.

We’re so busy making decisions, we forget to ask the most important one: How am I really doing?

That’s why I want to share a tool I love—a temperature check. It’s simple, quick, and helps you tune out the noise to reconnect with what matters most.

Here’s how it works: 

1. Grab a piece of paper (or your Notes app).

2. Write down these 10 areas of your life:

  • Mental Health
  • Physical Health
  • Body Movement
  • Relationships/Community
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Creativity
  • Joy
  • Spirituality
  • Home Environment

Rate each one on a scale from 1–10.

No overthinking. No judgment. Just a quick snapshot of how you feel right now.

When you’re done, look for patterns. What’s thriving? What’s not? Where do you want to pour more energy first?

It’s not about fixing everything today. It’s about awareness. Because knowing where you stand is the first step to moving forward.

Quick reminder: Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing key exercises from The Reset Workbook—a tool I developed for realignment during transition. When we build our inner foundation, everything else falls into place, especially in uncertain times.

P.S. Imagine your future self thanking you for pausing today. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Here’s your permission to transform

Here’s your permission to transform

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