Wellness Tip: Don’t start or end your day with social media

One of the worst side effects of social media is overly comparing yourself with others.

And it makes sense, right? You’re looking at staged snapshots of the best moments of someone’’s life and comparing it to the ups and downs of your own experience.

It leads you to believe that others have a better body, or life, or profession, or family.
More money. More time off. And better things.

But we all know what you see on social media is not anyone’s full reality.

So give yourself permission to unplug.

Use that time to read, take a bath, or journal. Stop the scroll and give yourself space to rest.

How to Love

How to Love

When you can, spread joy and laughter. When you can’t, be a witness…to their pain, their sadness, their hurt. Sometimes the most meaningful way to show someone you love them is to sit with them and just listen.