Step outside your comfort zone

by | Personal Development

To live in the present is not to let go of the past

Your past is always with you

Every moment of hope.

Every painful defeat.

Every deep embrace.

Every broken heart.

The challenge — and I genuinely think this could be the beauty of living — is to not allow the past to limit the joy that’s possible in THIS moment.

To step confidently into new beginnings… even when it’s kinda scary. 

Last week I announced The Reset Workshop, a 5-week mastermind I’m leading that helps you break free of unhelpful patterns and live with more passion, purpose, and energy.

And today I wanted to tell you more. 

Your life doesn’t have to be in shambles to need a reset.

In fact, regularly checking in with yourself and making sure you’re on the right track or doing a little course correction if necessary is essential for living the life you want.

In this live group experience, you’ll:

  • Check in with your mind, body, and spirit and build healthy self-care habits
  • Take an inventory of what’s working and the tiny optimizations you want to make to build your ideal life
  • Define your core values so you can connect with your deepest desires.
  • Create daily, weekly, monthly, and annual rituals to honor the life you live.
  • Use what you discovered to make a tactical plan for the future.

Click now to learn more.

And when you’re ready to purchase, you can get $100 off with code “EARLYBIRD”

6 interesting Ways to Journal

6 interesting Ways to Journal

When you think of keeping a journal, I’m sure the first thing that comes to mind is the traditional “Dear Diary” format--basically a letter that recaps your day.  But there are so many ways to keep a journal. You can write full sentences or fragments of ideas....