Recommendations #017

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Here are a few reasons why you may need a reset. 

My book launches next week. I still genuinely can’t believe it. I would be honored if you preordered a copy (or a few). There are 2000 on backorder. Your preorders help drive this number up. 

I’m knee deep in a thriller called The Personal Assistant by Kimberly Belle. It follows the dark side of digital media when a mommy blogger’s assistant goes missing. It’s a little cheesy, but I also can’t put it down. 

When I’m feeling under the weather, my go-to remedy is elderberry liquid extract. Combine this with chicken and rice soup, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and rest and your body is sure to heal. (Also I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice)

My favorite chicken and rice soup recipe.

While I was on my sick-cation I watched the new Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime on Netflix. I’ve written before about how much the movie affected my creative brain. This article explains how the creator was able to reboot a classic with a new twist. 

June 2023 Recommendations

June 2023 Recommendations

In The Weekly Reset Email I share a variety of recommendations. Here's a roundup of all of the links from the month of June. Something to read: This article might help if you struggle with forgiveness. A podcast to listen to: Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange,...

May 2023 Recommendations

May 2023 Recommendations

In The Weekly Reset, I share recommendations of interesting things I found on the internet. Here's a collection of links for May. Something to watch: I binged Queen Charlotte on Netflix this weekend and I agree with this Variety article: it is the best Bridgerton...

Link Love #010

Link Love #010

Something to check out: Over on Instagram I'm posting content every day for the next 90 days. If you're feeling super sweet, I would love for you to share some of my posts to your stories. It really helps me reach new audiences. Something to watch: I...