Striving for Perfection Is Overrated. Here’s How Embracing Imperfection Can Lead to Success

Good morning, sunshine,

We often strive for perfection, thinking that it’s the ultimate goal, but in reality, it’s the imperfections that give life its meaning.

In middle school, I started feeling self-conscious about my smile. The gaps between my teeth became a constant source of frustration, and without the option of braces, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with me.

Growing up in Memphis, where roasting each other was practically a sport, didn’t help either. By the time I got to high school, I’d mastered the art of keeping my emotions in check, all in an effort not to draw attention to myself.

Then, one random Wednesday, as I was leaving DECA club, my teacher ( I hate that I can’t remember her name) stopped me and said, “Justin, you have a beautiful smile, and the world needs to see more of it.”

That tiny pep talk gave me the courage to start showing up as my authentic self—to share my warmth through these big ol’ pearly whites.

Think about it: what would life be like if everything were flawless? A world where every conversation was perfectly scripted, every meal plated with precision, and every moment predictable.

It might sound appealing at first, but quickly, we’d realize how dull and lifeless that would be. Perfection leaves no room for surprise, for growth, or for the unexpected joys that make life worth living.

Imperfection is what makes us human. It’s what connects us to each other, allowing us to empathize and understand that we all have our own unique struggles and triumphs.

That crooked smile I hope you love? It’s a reminder that nobody is perfect, and that’s okay. It’s the little flaws and quirks that make us who we are and make the people we love unforgettable.

In your creative journey, these imperfections are not something to be hidden or fixed—they’re your signature.

They’re the marks that tell the world you were here, that you took a risk, that you tried something new.

Each brushstroke that doesn’t quite land, each note that goes a little off-key, each idea that doesn’t fully take flight—they’re all part of the process, part of the story you’re telling.

So, instead of striving for an impossible standard of perfection, lean into the messiness of creativity.

Make mistakes, take detours, and embrace the unexpected.

Share your work even when it feels rough around the edges because that’s where the magic happens.

That’s where you find your voice and connect with others in a way that polished perfection never could.

Remember, life isn’t about having everything figured out or getting it all right the first time. It’s about showing up, doing the work, and letting your unique, imperfect self shine through.

There’s a beauty in that—a beauty that perfection can never match.

Wishing you a beautifully imperfect day,


These 20 pieces of advice will transform your creative career

1. Embrace failure as feedback.

2. Protect your time for personal creativity.

3. Networking authentically is doing business with people you like. (It’s actually that simple.)

4. Create something just for fun as frequently as you can.

5. The only way to find your unique voice is by creating. If you haven’t found your voice, you just need to create more work.

6. A stronger mind leads to better consistency. Focus on your mental health.

7. Seek critique, not praise. But remember, it’s always just someone’s opinion. Listen and take the parts that will actually improve your work.

8. Stay curious about new technology. It might be scary, but it could be useful to learn.

9. Learn the business side. You’re less likely to be taken advantage of if you actively think about the money.

10. Harness soft skills. Emotional intelligence and adaptability make you more employable.

11. Collaborate and co-create with people you respect. This is how you grow an interesting portfolio.

12. Always consider the audience, their expectations, and what they value. Tailor your presentation of work to suit them.

13. Take creative risks. Make something they expect and make something weird—something you know they won’t buy, so they know you can think.

14. Marketing yourself is raising your hand to be seen. If they can’t see you, they can’t hire you.

15. Give other people their props. The nice things you say keep them fighting forward.

16. Don’t downplay your talent. When someone gives you a compliment, just say “thank you” and move on.

17. Balance passion with practicality. We focus too much on practicality in our society. Where can you step into your passion?

18. The market is crowded, but you can always carve out your own lane with a personal brand.

19. Practice patience. If you believe it will happen, it will happen eventually.

20. Things are changing rapidly. Look at what you think you know, research if it has changed, and never stop learning.

PS. It’s time for your Creative Reset. Click to learn more about my group coaching program for creative professionals.

step out of burnout and step into your breakthrough

Okay, creative professionals! It’s time to step out of burnout and step into your breakthrough. 

I’m talking to you: the designers, the art directors, the copywwriters, the photographers, the creative directors, the multipassionates.  

My name is Justin and I’m your creative career coach. And I’m thrilled to introduce my new group coaching program, the Creative Reset. 

If you’re looking to unlock your potential and take the next best step in your creative career lock in, this is for you.

Are you ready to take the next step and learn more? 

an affirmation on how to find calm in the chaos

an affirmation on how to find calm in the chaos

Repeat after me: Today I’m letting go and trusting the process. 

Can I be honest? This mantra is hard for me. 

I’m the type of person who likes to create my own destiny, taking charge of every detail and ensuring everything goes according to plan. But I’m learning there’s a balancing act. 

While it’s important to have goals and work towards them, it’s equally crucial to recognize when to release control and let things unfold naturally. 

Trusting the process doesn’t mean giving up; it means having faith that everything will work out as it should, even if it’s not exactly as I envisioned. 

It’s a lesson in patience, resilience, and self-compassion.

a journal prompt on how to find calm in the chaos

a journal prompt on how to find calm in the chaos

What tools and tactics work best for you to manage your anxiety?

To manage my anxiety, I find that a combination of deep breathing exercises and regular physical activity works wonders in calming my nervous system and releasing built-up tension.

SoCurious helps creative people find small but meaningful breakthroughs in personal development, career, and creativity.

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Thoughtful, fun cards designed to create deeper connections.