Introducing The Reset Workshop

by | Inspiration, Personal Development


Are you ready for your reset?

I’m hosting a 5-week mastermind that helps you break free of unhelpful patterns and live with more passion, purpose, and energy. The course runs from February 21 – March 21, 2023 and I’d love for you to enroll. 

Learn more about The Reset Workshop here

Use promotion code EARLYBIRD to get $100 off. 

Let’s take a temperature check

Let’s take a temperature check

Good morning, sunshine How many decisions does it take to overwhelm a human?About 35,000 a day—at least, that’s the average number most people make. Tiny ones, like what to wear or what to eat. And big ones, like how to spend your time or your energy. It’s no wonder...

We can’t heal what we don’t face.

We can’t heal what we don’t face.

Good morning sunshine, We can’t heal what we don’t face. Grieving the loss of American ideals takes courage, but it’s a step towards change. Here’s a framework for processing this moment of collective grief. Acknowledge the pain: Feel the heartbreak—it’s real and...

election day

election day

Good morning sunshine, Today is a hard day to choose joy. So we grieve—we let those feelings settle. Then, we get up again and turn pain into purpose. We recommit to using our voices and our actions to reflect what we believe in, to live our values every day. The...