How to create a vision board to Design your ideal life

by | Creativity, Personal Development

We all have big and small changes we want to make in our life. And change starts with believing that everything you desire is possible. It will take effort —sometimes lots of effort. But the new energy you crave starts with making a plan. Building a vision board is a useful tool for designing your ideal life. Here’s my process: 

1. Start with a journaling exercise to recap the year.

Make a list of all the things you’ve accomplished both big and small. I like to separate this into two categories: Personal and Professional. And I go through everything that comes to mind as big wins this year.  

2. Brainstorm and prioritize your goals.

Based on the things that I accomplished in the past year, I start to brainstorm the things that I want to accomplish this year. First I create a list of all my biggest picture goals and write them out on a piece of paper. Then I narrow down to the most important 10-12 goals for the year. From there I outline what the big picture steps are to achieve the individual goals and if necessary start to cut down on some of the goals. 

3. Choose a word or phrase to focus on for the year 

I start by brainstorming words and phrases that represent the way that I want to feel in the new year. I try to make it an actionable word that makes me feel inspired. 

Some past phrases and words I’ve used: 

Create and Conquer 

Build the Dream 

Fresh Start 


This year my phrase is: Intentional Growth 

4. Fill a poster board with images, quotes, and words that reflect your vision for the new year. 

I also like to add my most important goals to this vision board in some form as well so I have a consistent reminder of the life I want. 

Once you’ve created your vision board, it’s important to display it prominently and regularly check in on your progress. 

I try to look at my vision board every week so I have a consistent reminder to check in on the things that I want to achieve and the way that I want to feel.

Every quarter, I also decide if there are things on the vision board that need to be re-evaluated or removed. We are consistently changing people and it’s okay to decide over the course of the year you want some things to change. 

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