You Always Have a Choice

by | Inspiration

You’re responsible for your behavior today. 

You can’t blame your parents.

Or your circumstances. 

You have to heal.

And try to make the best choices you can given everything you’ve learned so far.

Let go of the excuses and be accountable for the life you want to create.

Hope Lives In Each Brushstroke

Hope Lives In Each Brushstroke

There’s something deeper that is calling all of us To walk in our purpose To make To do To create To live out loud And love with our whole hearts Journal Prompt: What’s one small way you can live out loud today?

Follow the Peace. Release the Negativity.

Follow the Peace. Release the Negativity.

What if your peace is too valuable to let one small thing ruin your day?  Journal Prompt: Think about something that currently frustrates you. What are you learning from this situation? How is this experience preparing you for the next stage in your life? 

your permission to create

your permission to create

You have permission to create. To make music that sounds terribleTo draw pictures that look horribleTo write stories that are hard to read Because the creative process is not about the end result. Creativity is about living out loud.Creativity is about opening...