2022 was a year of new beginnings.
A year of significant growth, meaningful change, and beautiful new adventures.
I got a book deal, quit my fulltime job, and committed to 6 months of making content, so I could truly find my voice and create things that I genuinely love that are good for the world.
Here’s a snapshot of 2022 by the numbers, including stats for my Instagram account, the new Youtube channel, the SoCurious email newsletter, SoCurious website, and a few personal goals.

The email newsletter is the heart and soul of the SoCurious brand.
When I started the newsletter, I made one promise: no matter what I’m going to send out an issue. And every issue will include an original illustration, an inspirational message, and interesting links from around the internet. This is the second full year of making content and I was able to deliver on the promise, sending out a total of 89 emails.
Worth noting, that a big chunk of those were Patron exclusive emails and a few promotional emails for various projects I launched in 2022. I’m proud to say that we have 30 patrons and I’m hopeful to increase that number significantly in the coming year.

While the newsletter is the primary driver of the SoCurious brand, the website has become a higher priority in the past year.
We garnered 21,000 page views from nearly 11,000 unique users which I’m incredibly proud of. But the most significant thing that happened was adding/updating 36 long-form articles to the site.

My personal Instagram account was my primary social platform for 2022, receiving most of my attention.
The goal was to hit 10,000 followers on the platform, but unfortunately I’m still about 900 followers short. But vanity metrics aside, I loved exploring short form video creation and especially loved my 30 Day Instagram Reels Challenge. In total, I created 107 reels and 35 single image or carousel posts. Over the course of the year, I was able to add an additional 936 followers.

With the success of my 30 day reels challenge, I fell in love with the idea of creating more video content. I set the small but achievable goal of creating 10 new YouTube videos.
Youtube is integral to the next phase of growth because the platform offers monetization opportunities. The caveat though is that first you have to gain 1000 followers and have 4,000 hours of watch time. From my first 13 videos and 33 shorts, I was able to grow my audience to 158 subscribers and received a total of 114 watch hours.
It will certainly be a long road to hitting the metrics necessary to monetize, but making video content is an exciting new challenge, that pushes me to be a better storyteller.

Personally I have been focused on gaining press and generating revenue in new and interesting ways. This took a lot of new forms in 2022.
From the PR and marketing perspective, I was honored to be on The Living Swindled podcast talking about dating, as well as Your Woo Woo Best Friend podcast chatting about my experience as a heart-centered creative. In addition, I was written about in two publications: Keys Soulcare and Shoutout DFW.
On the revenue side of things, I worked with 7 new coaching clients this year and helped creative professionals gain breakthroughs in mindset and personal branding. I also had 2 speaking gigs where I was able to do thoughtful presentations on emotional intelligence and building systems for better creativity.
And finally I had the opportunity to do two paid brand collaborations this year. I created content for Amazon Prime Video and Purex.