This is your permission to disconnect

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How do you create space for yourself?

Space to disconnect from the outside world.

Space to focus on you…

…the you that is bigger than your goals.

The you that sometimes just needs to cuddle on the couch
or read a good book.

The you that wants to soak in the tub until your skin is all pruny.

The you that needs a day (or three) of rest and relaxation without the bleeps and bloops of our daily lives.

This is your permission to disconnect.

Journal Prompt

What’s one thing that little kid you loved to do? What was the activity that you got lost in for hours at a time? How can you revisit that activity more regularly? 

How to practice actively listening

How to practice actively listening

It’s hard to be totally present and live in the moment. Our internal monologue, list of things to do, and constant distractions make it difficult to slow down enough to actively listen. But listening is the most important skill you can cultivate. It helps with work....