sometimes the greatest luxury is doing nothing

by | Inspiration

It’s time to give yourself the greatest of luxuries—a moment of pure, unadulterated nothingness. 

Let go of consistent striving.

Surrender to the quiet whispers of serenity.

And allow yourself the gift of simply being human.

Untethered from the relentless demands of modern life. 

And I get it.

There’s an incessant chatter of obligations tugging at your soul.

A never ending list of things you should be doing that you haven’t done yet. 

Endless notifications.

Phone calls to return.

And opportunities that you don’t want to miss. 

But trust me,

In the gentle ebb and flow of intentional slowness you’ll find this secret.

Giving yourself time to rest, increases your productivity. 

So ease off the accelerator.

Let the currents of life carry you.

Even if only for a fleeting moment into the meaningful embrace of peace.

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