SoCurious Reader Features

by | Humans

Last week, I invited readers of the SoCurious newsletter to shamelessly self-promote their creative projects. Here are some highlights:

I host the podcast My Dad Stole My Limelight – which is a podcast about coming out! My Dad came out to me when I was 20 and I have since come out too. He has been on the podcast a few times and in each episode I interview someone on their story. – via Deborah

I co-founded an NYC-based creative community called Epilogue Studio earlier this year with my partner-in-crime, Lindsay Choi. Epilogue is a space to bring creatives across disciplines together to facilitate deep conversation, new connections, and elevate ideas. We serve as a haven for New York City’s creative professionals, combining the best of a co-working space, your favorite coffee shop, a local library, and an art studio to build a creatively-driven and community-focused space for creatives of all disciplines. – via Felicia

I started a new YouTube channel, Badass Creatives, at the beginning of the summer. It’s dedicated to business tips and marketing advice for artists, makers and creative small business owners. – Via Mallory

Find a way to make an impact with Maya G. Pete

Find a way to make an impact with Maya G. Pete

Impact... It’s the thing that motivates New York based writer and body positivity enthusiast, Maya G. Pete. In her Stanford University honors thesis, she wrote about the influence and weight of the “N” word. She pointed to the ways that one word alone has dismantled...