
my only job is to shine


Repeat after me: I shine brightest when I stay true to myself and my unique gifts.

your step-by-step roadmap for personal branding

I’m starting to notice a trend among creative professionals.

We’re all feeling like: “what is even going on right now.”

With economic uncertainty, disruptive technology, and just a general sense of burnout and overwhelm, it seems like the creative community is just tired. Like low key exhausted. 

I think now more than ever you need more clarity, direction, and confidence in your creative journey.

And if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain about your career path, know that you’re not alone.

I put together a step by step roadmap for personal branding that’s actually super useful.

I sent it to my homie and she said: “wait justin this is really good”

And like it’s really good.

And free… at least for now.

All you gotta do is take the first step and click.

girl, shine your light


Write about what living unapologetically means to you. How can you incorporate this mindset into your daily life, and what changes do you need to make to fully embrace your bold and fearless self?

be brilliant today

Good morning sunshine,

You were meant to shine bright. To light up rooms. To put smiles on faces. To use all that beautiful potential to achieve greatness.

But then there are those moments of fear, where you dim that brilliance and second-guess yourself.

Gon’ head and snap out of it. The world needs your light more than ever.

Every step you take, every risk you embrace, fuels your journey toward your dreams. 

Don’t let the fear of shining too bright hold you back.

Your light can inspire, uplift, and ignite change. 

So, be bold. Be fearless. And live unapologetically.

The world needs more of you, not less.

sometimes you have to pivot and adjust

Sometimes, alignment requires you to pivot and adjust your course. It’s about being flexible and open to change, knowing it’s part of the journey.


Repeat after me: I release roles and masks that don’t serve my true self.

When you’re aligned, you’re living your most authentic life.

When you’re aligned, you’re living your most authentic life.

No more hiding behind masks or playing roles that don’t fit.

Authenticity means showing up as you are, with all your quirks and imperfections, and proudly saying: “I am enough!”

It’s about embracing your true self and letting that shine through in everything you do—because you’re living a life that’s true to who you really are.

Fear Loves to Exaggerate

Fear loves to exaggerate.

It’s a master storyteller that thrives on suspense and plot twists, often turning tiny molehills into mountains.

It’s time to separate fiction from reality, and face challenges with a clear, rational mind.

Fear can’t stop your progress.

don’t wait til tomorrow to be brave

When fear grips us, we confront our limits, uncertainties, and both imagined and real boundaries. 

But pushing through these fears builds resilience and serves as a powerful reminder: we’re all a little scared, doing the best we can with what we have. Empathy is the cornerstone of building genuine community. 

So acknowledge the fears and face them head on. Because fear can be a profound catalyst for personal growth and deeper connections.

today’s inspiration: I am manifesting unshakeable peace

I am manifesting unshakable peace

The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan

The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others

The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work out

The kind of peace where I know that my intentions speak louder than my words

The kind of peace where my actions are always revealed to come from love

affirmations: even in uncertainty there can be peace

10 thoughts on finding peace in moments of uncertainty.

1. Embrace the Present Moment: Find peace in the now, letting go of the past and not worrying about the future.

2. Focus on What You Can Control: Direct your energy toward what you can influence, and release the rest.

3. Practice Gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate the good things, no matter how small, amidst uncertainty.

4. Develop Resilience: Build mental and emotional strength to handle whatever comes your way.

5. Stay Connected: Lean on friends and family for support and comfort during uncertain times.

6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Use mindfulness practices to stay calm and centered.

7. Find Joy in Small Things: Appreciate the simple pleasures in life that bring happiness and peace.

8. Adaptability: Cultivate a flexible mindset that allows you to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances.

9. Set Small Goals: Focus on achievable tasks to create a sense of accomplishment and stability.

10. Trust the Process: Have faith that things will work out as they should, finding peace in the journey rather than the destination.

inner peace is knowing the world is a mess and still choosing joy

I am manifesting unshakable peace

The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan

The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others

The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work out

The kind of peace where I know that my intentions speak louder than my words

The kind of peace where my actions are always revealed to come from love

the power of books

Books dare us to seek out that spark of happiness, even in the midst of the everyday grind. So, keep turning those pages, chasing that joy with every new world you explore.

Unapologetically proud

Your authenticity and courage inspire everyone around you.

Never apologize for being exactly who you are. Your pride is powerful, and your light shines bright. Keep being unapologetically you.


When the world feels heavy and the road ahead seems tough, remember that you are a part of something beautiful and powerful.

Your courage and strength make this world a better place. Keep shining, keep fighting, and always know that you’re making a difference.

Self love looks good on you

Our world often tries to confine us to narrow definitions and expectations, but pride is a powerful act of defiance.

Declaring that you deserve to live authentically—without shame, without fear, without apology—is a personal act of freedom, a choice of liberation.

Embrace your growth, celebrate your progress, and cherish the beautiful human you are becoming.

Happy Pride!

Today is the day

Today is the day…

To reach out

To start looking

To make a plan

To start a new goal

To get back to the gym

To rest

To forge a new path

To try again

To say, “This time I’m committed”

To finally let go

To break through

To break out

To break open

Today is the day.

Your transformation has a cost…

Your transformation has a cost.

For you to be reborn, a certain version of you must fade away.

And that’s so beautiful.

Witnessing so many iterations of yourself over a single lifetime.

Dealing with tomorrow one day at a time

Sometimes the best way to make it through, is to focus on the joy. Here’s a list of things that made me smile this week:

  1. Memorial Day weekend shenanigans with friends
  2. The smell of clean laundry
  3. Seeing 4 bunnies and a tortoise on my walk around my neighborhood
  4. Smiling at a stranger and them being caught off guard and then smiling back extra big
  5. Eating a frozen watermelon at the pool
  6. Brainstorming business ideas with friends and feeling like we might be able to do something meaningful in the world
  7. Falling asleep on the couch watching TV with boo thang
  8. Finally figuring out my signature summer salad: cucumber, feta, red peppers, tomato, leafy greens, spicy chickpeas
  9. Writing the script for my next Youtube video and feeling like I’m on to something interesting.  

What’s something that made you smile this week?

what a delightful privilege

What a delightful privilege it is to shoulder the weighty task of single-handedly turning your dreams into reality.

Thankfully, you’re up to the challenge.

everything you aim for

Everything you aim for and put effort into is already yours, if you’re willing to exercise a little patience and wait for it to materialize.

slow but steady progress

Given the choice, I opt for slow but steady progress over being confined by unrealistic standards of perfection.

Life doesn’t just happen to you.

Life doesn’t just happen to you. 

You create it.

The clothes you wear. 

The things you talk about. 

Your career. 

Your groceries. 

The way you spend your free time. 

We are our own greatest work of art. 

And that art is the life we choose.

I’m seeking an open heart

I’m seeking an open heart.

I’m seeking an open mind.

I’m seeking an open spirit.

Because that’s where you find truth. 

That’s how you discover meaning.

That’s when you tap into everything the world has so much to offer 

And I’m ready and willing to receive all the good

you can keep going

I know you feel like giving up.

But you don’t have to. 

You can keep going. 

The world needs you to commit to this thing and follow through.

So take a pause. Get some rest. But stay focused. 

Because the world needs you to be living that big, bold, beautiful goal you dreamed of. 

An inspirational mantra

Repeat after me:

Today I am forgiving myself for the mistakes I made along the way. I might not be perfect, but I am worth loving.

something magical

Friendly reminder: Something magical unlocks when you’re willing to love yourself just as you are right now.