Link Love: #004

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Something to read: There are very few things I memorize in the present day, but in my youth memorizing song lyrics and speeches was a passion. I enjoyed this article about the beauty of planting passages in your memory.

Something to watch: The Ultimatum on Netflix is literally the most chaotic TV show I’ve watched. A group of twenty-somethings are deciding if they want to get married by dating each other. It’s truly wild and I love it. I feel like we need a SoCurious Culture Meetup where we gab about tv shows. 

A podcast to listen to: On the For Colored Nerds podcast they chat about diversity in period tv. And as a super fan of The Gilded Age, Bridgerton, and The Great, it was an incredible listen. 

Someone to follow: If you are a Twitter person, I would love for you to follow the new SoCurious Twitter account

A song to listen to: Every Little Piece of my Heart by Dixson has been on repeat. My friend Joy shared the song with me and in theory I shouldn’t love it. It has a prominent saxophone, my least favorite of the instruments. (Don’t @ me) But the song sways back and forth in a nouveau-90s kinda way that I love.


Reclaiming my fury

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joy is a form of resistance

joy is a form of resistance

Good morning sunshine, I used to think the opposite of fear was love. So I lived my life with so much love.I gave it freely and earnestly.I loved my neighbor.I treated them with kindness. But some people will always hate me—because I’m Black,because I’m gay,because I...