How to improve your life with small daily habit changes 

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In this video, I’m sharing how small, consistent habits can lead to sustainable change and transform your life. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build healthier habits, or start a journey of personal transformation, the key isn’t in massive overhauls—it’s in the tiny daily actions you take. Drawing from Aristotle’s habit theory, I’ll show you how these small steps can lead to big, lasting results over time.

I’ll walk you through my personal weight loss journey (I lost 40 pounds!) and how I stacked simple habits like changing my diet and adding a daily walk to create real, sustainable change. Plus, I’ll share practical tips you can use to start building the life you want—one small habit at a time.

Here’s the full transcript:

Good morning, sunshine. Here’s today’s inspiration.

Every day, you decide who you want to become. And let’s be real: change is tough. It’s scary. It’s hard. But it’s only tough because you have to keep showing up day after day as the person you’re aiming to be.

Here’s the good news: I believe in you wholeheartedly. I believe in your power to commit to change and your ability to keep growing. And today, I want to share a simple tip to stay consistent, especially when change feels overwhelming.

Aristotle once said something about habits that sticks with me: change doesn’t come from a one-time action, but from consistent, small habit changes. Instead of overwhelming yourself with a massive overhaul, focus on tiny, consistent actions. And here’s the best part: those baby steps, when repeated enough, become part of who you are. Over time, they lead to the lasting change you desire.

Let’s make this practical. Say you want to lose 20 pounds. Okay, I get it. I’ve said it myself: “If I lose 20 pounds and start lifting weights, I’m going to have a six-pack and some big arms.” Y’all wouldn’t be able to stand me if I had abs—I’d be shirtless everywhere, for no reason!

But here’s the real deal: The only way to truly find peace is to love yourself fully, just as you are right now. Once you do, everything you want starts coming to you. You start believing you’re worthy of the life you dream of.

Let’s go back to that weight loss goal. You want to feel healthier and move your body more. Here’s how I did it. Over the past year, I lost 40 pounds—225 down to 185. But it wasn’t because I found a quick-fix diet. The change came from stacking small habits that led to a sustainable lifestyle shift.

Let me give you some context. After a cancer scare, I dove deep into research to figure out how to better support my body. I learned that cancer thrives on sugar, so I tried cutting it out. And honestly? I failed. Your boy loves a KitKat. But what I did manage was cutting out bread, so I kept that as a constant.

From there, I learned about the impact of processed meat on the body. I decided to try a meat-free day once a week. Then I started having two or three meatless days, and eventually, I noticed I had more energy without meat.

Before I knew it, I went a week without meat, and soon enough, I was vegan (well, mostly!).

But here’s the thing: it didn’t happen overnight. This transformation took six months of slowly stacking habits.

Now, I’m more pescatarian, and I allow myself to eat bread or cheese when I feel like it. The key was sustainability—I didn’t need to be strict, just consistent.

Here’s what worked for me: I also started walking every day. It began as a quick 10-minute walk to the mailbox. Then, I extended it to a mile on a nearby trail. Eventually, I discovered a secret path leading to a beautiful lake, and now I walk there regularly.

These walks made me feel healthier and stronger, and I found joy in moving my body in a way that felt good.

Now, back to the point: change doesn’t happen overnight. But it does happen through small, consistent actions. You don’t need to overhaul your life all at once. Start with one tiny habit, then stack another, and another. Regularly showing up for yourself is what leads to achieving your goals.

My hope in sharing this story is to inspire you to think about the small, tiny actions you can take to build a life you truly love.

In conclusion: you’re always just one small decision away from a healthier, happier version of yourself. Keep growing. I believe in you. You can achieve anything if you’re willing to show up and do the work.

Okay, bye. Keep shining.

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