Here are our favorite links from January

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The 3 Elements of Charisma

Self-care won’t solve every problem, but these quick and easy activities may at least bring some happiness to your day.

Design predictions inspired by Tiktok

Gym Anxiety: Strategies to Overcome Gymtimidation

8 Nutrient-Dense Foods You’ll Find in Almost Any Grocery Store

Reddit Weighed In On Things That Are Socially Acceptable Now, But Will Shock Future Generations

Betty White’s Life in Photos

What belongs in the “gray area” between science and pseudoscience?

Save your mental energy for the decisions that matter.

100 innovations changing how we live

Here are some low intensity workouts for when you’re really not feeling it. 

How To Make A Success Out Of (Almost) Every Situation

Here’s how you make the perfect smoothie

Who, Exactly, Is the ‘Average American’?

They can’t handle the truth. Be ready to lie during your exit interview in order to leave your job on good terms, an expert said.

How Has Freud Changed the Way We Tell Our Stories?

A look back on one of the most iconic and grueling games to hit the classroom computer

The 50 best TV show seasons of all time, according to critics

Women cry five times more than men each month. It’s time to change the narrative.

$75000 used to be the ideal salary. But it looks like that’s going up. Does earning more money lead to greater wellbeing? 

The 5 Habits Of Great Adult Male Friendships

This is all the best apps

Cries in millennial: The 37-Year-Olds Are Afraid of the 23-Year-Olds Who Work for Them

Should you embrace digital nomadism? I’m considering it. 

Here’s everything you need to know about negotiating your salary


Reclaiming my fury

One of the greatest gifts of my healing journey is reclaiming my fury. Joy doesn’t erase other emotions—it coexists with them. It’s not a denial of the realities of anger, sadness, or fear. But a reminder that you can experience the full spectrum of emotions and still...

joy is a form of resistance

joy is a form of resistance

Good morning sunshine, I used to think the opposite of fear was love. So I lived my life with so much love.I gave it freely and earnestly.I loved my neighbor.I treated them with kindness. But some people will always hate me—because I’m Black,because I’m gay,because I...