In our weekly email we collect interesting links from across the internet. Here are our favorites from February.
What We Lose When We Erase Queer Black History
What It’s Like to Truly Be Friends With Your Ex
Why Black Women Are Divesting From Excellence & Embracing Mediocrity
An honest self-help guide: Stuff that works for me
Your Guide To Starting A Wellness Journal
25 Fun Games To Play During Your Galentine’s Day Zoom Party
An 8-year-old slid his handwritten book onto a library shelf. It now has a years-long waitlist.
Let’s talk about toxic work culture
What To Get Someone For Valentine’s Day If You Just Started Dating
Make juice for yourself…with a BLENDER!!!!!
Employers aren’t letting go of workers. That’s another indicator of worker power.
Cold baths, cherry juice and sleep: the secret to staying fit in your 40s
Here are some really terrible tattoos.
Novelist Smith Henderson offers a swift kick to get you started writing that novel.
Obsessing over young_emporers and their epic fashion reels on Instagram.
Making scribble art collages for stress relief
Loving these androgynous style videos from Jade Fox on Youtube.
This site literally has all the best home goods for less than $25.
Thinking about stoicism
Wordiebird is like wordle, but super hard. I keep playing and losing.
Your Personality, Explained by Your Annoying Household Habits
Obsessing over the coy collection and their feel good ceramics.
Love this espresso martini recipe
Learning that expression is compression. This article sums up the creative process of making these weekly emails in an interesting way.
Young women were lured to Tumblr by fandom and fashion. Now they’ve turned coding into a career.