Link Love #010

Link Love #010

Something to check out: Over on Instagram I'm posting content every day for the next 90 days. If you're feeling super sweet, I would love for you to share some of my posts to your stories. It really helps me reach new audiences. Something to watch: I...

Here’s how to truly shine

Here’s how to truly shine

In your most challenging moments, it’s easy to fall back into old patterns.  To forget your progress. To feel defeated. To want to quit.  But today’s opportunity is to remember that this season is designed to help you grow.  This season might be confusing...

Permission to live your life to the fullest

Permission to live your life to the fullest

Imagine a tiny thread connecting your heart to all the other hearts of the people you love the people you know the people you grew apart from the people you passed on the street without even noticing The people in your neighborhood in your city in your country in the...

SoCurious Reader Features

SoCurious Reader Features

Last week, I invited readers of the SoCurious newsletter to shamelessly self-promote their creative projects. Here are some highlights: I host the podcast My Dad Stole My Limelight - which is a podcast about coming out! My Dad came out to me when I was 20 and I have...

9 Thoughts on Building Your Creative Career

9 Thoughts on Building Your Creative Career

This is the episode where I talk about creative careers. We talk about defining success on your own terms, calendar blocking, and the power of self-initiated projects. Related Links: Download the 10 affirmations that changed my life. Follow Justin on...

I’m a magnet for great opportunity

I’m a magnet for great opportunity

This week's affirmation: “I'm a magnet for great opportunity.” Take a deep breath and repeat this affirmation 3 times. If you're feeling stuck right now, think about this: What if so far you've only scratched the surface of who you could become? There are boundless...

How to make a quarterly vision board

How to make a quarterly vision board

This is the podcast episode where I do a deep dive on how to make a vision board. We talk about EPIC Goals, you get a sneak peek of what I want to achieve before the end of this year, and you learn the secret of how I make my goals a reality. Here's the full...

Ask Me Anything  001: How to Find Work and Life Harmony

Ask Me Anything 001: How to Find Work and Life Harmony

This is the episode where you get to ask me anything about work and life. I do a deep dive on purpose, you learn more about how I actually make money, and you learn simple ways to be more consistent with your creativity.  Here's the full transcript: Uh uhhh, yall...

How to lead with love

How to lead with love

Leading with love does not mean you're a “yes” person. You can be direct. You can be honest You can say “no.” You can have difficult conversations, complicated emotions, and speak your mind fully.  But the difference is that you're acknowledging that the person...

Affirmation: I have permission to let go

Affirmation: I have permission to let go

This week's affirmation: “I have permission to let go.” Take a deep breath and repeat this affirmation 3 times. Here's a meditation on letting go: How do you let go of the past?It takes time, of course. But first you have to accept it.And acceptance is not saying that...

1000 versions of myself

1000 versions of myself

I was looking through old photos of myself and I realized that version of me was long gone. I had evolved into something new. Something more whole. And let me be clear: I love that old version of me. The insecurities. The hesitation. The innocence. The...

But how do you find clarity?

But how do you find clarity?

For me, clarity doesn’t come from thinking... Clarity comes from doing. First writing down my feelings. Then brainstorming potential solutions. Sometimes it's talking with friends. But most often, it's trying new things. Exploring. Learning. Failing. And trying again....

I used to chase happy. Now, I strive for joy.

I used to chase happy. Now, I strive for joy.

I used to chase happy. Now, I strive for joy. Joy is the profound awareness that you can find gratitude in this moment–that you can find gratitude in every moment.  It's the understanding that peace is not dependent on external circumstances but something that...

For anybody feeling anxious

For anybody feeling anxious

I feel like someone needs to hear this: It’s okay to feel anxious.It’s okay to feel overwhelmed.It’s okay to feel lonely. You don’t have to take advantage of this moment of uncertainty. There’s a time for productivity…and it's okay if right now isn’t that time for...

Let’s talk about therapy

Let’s talk about therapy

My senior year of college I broke my ankle. I was being my normal playful self and slipped while running in the rain. The experience was intense and genuinely scary, but I was thankful to my friends who rushed me to the hospital. Throughout the first semester, my leg...

A friendly reminder to commit to your dreams

A friendly reminder to commit to your dreams

When it comes to your dreams…If it doesn’t come immediately, that should not be used at as a sign that you should move on. That should be your sign to commit to your growth and see what happens. Every journey comes with trials and tribulations because the universe...

Redefining hope in times of trouble

Redefining hope in times of trouble

A meditation on hope Hope is not just a feeling, it's a choice you make. It's the belief that things will get better, that you have the power to make a difference. When you choose hope, you open yourself up to new possibilities and the courage to take action towards...

Here’s how affirmations literally changed my life

Here’s how affirmations literally changed my life

Breaking news: Affirmations aren't just for hippies and dreamers. Even though I’m kinda a hippie and definitely a dreamer. Here’s the story behind why I made an affirmation card deck. I’ve always struggled with self-confidence. I somehow can simultaneously feel like...

How to find your perfect morning routine

How to find your perfect morning routine

Ah, mornings – the battleground where dreams of productivity and wellness collide with the snooze button. In this article, we'll discuss how to start and commit to a perfect morning routine. There was a time when I always found myself waking up and already feeling...