the power of books

the power of books

Books dare us to seek out that spark of happiness, even in the midst of the everyday grind. So, keep turning those pages, chasing that joy with every new world you explore.

Unapologetically proud

Unapologetically proud

Your authenticity and courage inspire everyone around you. Never apologize for being exactly who you are. Your pride is powerful, and your light shines bright. Keep being unapologetically you.



When the world feels heavy and the road ahead seems tough, remember that you are a part of something beautiful and powerful. Your courage and strength make this world a better place. Keep shining, keep fighting, and always know that you’re making a difference.

Self love looks good on you

Self love looks good on you

Our world often tries to confine us to narrow definitions and expectations, but pride is a powerful act of defiance. Declaring that you deserve to live authentically—without shame, without fear, without apology—is a personal act of freedom, a choice of liberation....

Chasing happiness? Try this instead

Chasing happiness? Try this instead Okay, you’re probably going to hate this, but hear me out. If you’re chasing happiness, you might be chasing the wrong goal. You might need to change your focus and look for fulfillment. Personal development is so curious....

Today is the day

Today is the day

Today is the day... To reach out To start looking To make a plan To start a new goal To get back to the gym To rest To forge a new path To try again To say, “This time I’m committed” To finally let go To break through To break out To break open Today is the...

Dealing with tomorrow one day at a time

Dealing with tomorrow one day at a time

Sometimes the best way to make it through, is to focus on the joy. Here’s a list of things that made me smile this week: Memorial Day weekend shenanigans with friends  The smell of clean laundry  Seeing 4 bunnies and a tortoise on my walk around my neighborhood ...