How to Stay Focused on Your Long Term Goals: Advice for Creative Professionals
Every day, you're bombarded with distractions, you’re pulled in a thousand different directions, and often, just existing can feel a bit overwhelming. And in those times you might lose sight of why you started in the first place. But here’s the thing: your dreams are...
Chasing happiness? Try this instead Okay, you’re probably going to hate this, but hear me out. If you’re chasing happiness, you might be chasing the wrong goal. You might need to change your focus and look for fulfillment. Personal development is so curious....
Advice from an emotionally intelligent tiger
Be realistic, but not to the extent that it conflicts with the pursuit of your greatest joy.
I’m so thankful for the community we’ve cultivated
Today is the day
Today is the day... To reach out To start looking To make a plan To start a new goal To get back to the gym To rest To forge a new path To try again To say, “This time I’m committed” To finally let go To break through To break out To break open Today is the...
When do we become the hero
I was waiting on you to love yourself the way I knew you could.
Your transformation has a cost…
Your transformation has a cost. For you to be reborn, a certain version of you must fade away. And that’s so beautiful. Witnessing so many iterations of yourself over a single lifetime.
Dealing with tomorrow one day at a time
Sometimes the best way to make it through, is to focus on the joy. Here’s a list of things that made me smile this week: Memorial Day weekend shenanigans with friends The smell of clean laundry Seeing 4 bunnies and a tortoise on my walk around my neighborhood ...
It’s your life. Do what you need to do to be happy.
Career Memes
Relationship Memes
what a delightful privilege
What a delightful privilege it is to shoulder the weighty task of single-handedly turning your dreams into reality. Thankfully, you’re up to the challenge.
everything you aim for
Everything you aim for and put effort into is already yours, if you're willing to exercise a little patience and wait for it to materialize.
slow but steady progress
Given the choice, I opt for slow but steady progress over being confined by unrealistic standards of perfection.
I’m so thankful for the community we’ve cultivated
I'm so thankful for the community we've cultivated
the best way to approach any challenge
The best way to approach any challenge is with a dash of hope and a genuine belief that it will probably work out for the good.
so thankful for my brothers
so thankful for my brothers, my homies, my support system.
i’m sorry he hurt you…
I'm sorry he hurt you, but also f*ck him. There's more joy to be had.
Life doesn’t just happen to you.
Life doesn’t just happen to you. You create it. The clothes you wear. The things you talk about. Your career. Your groceries. The way you spend your free time. We are our own greatest work of art. And that art is the life we...
Start believing that impossibly good things can happen and watch impossibly good things start happening.
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For a minute there, I’d thought I’d lost my light, but then I remembered I was the sun.
Share this with a friend that needs a pick me up.
How to dress like a creative director
I believe in all of those dreams you’ve been hiding
Send this to a friend that needs a reminder to keep going.