Breaking Out of a Rut: Tips on How to Stay Motivated and Productive

Life is full of ups and downs, and it can be hard to stay motivated when things don’t go as planned. Whether it’s a tough day at work, a missed deadline, or just feeling stuck in a rut, there are many things that can steal our motivation.

Here are 5 common motivation-stealers and useful tactics on how to stay motivated and productive:


Putting things off until the last minute can make any task feel overwhelming and make it harder to find the motivation to start.

To beat procrastination, try breaking down your tasks into smaller chunks and setting specific deadlines for yourself.

Negative thinking:

It’s easy to get bogged down in negative thoughts, but they can be a major motivation-killer.

To keep your motivation high, try practicing positive thinking and focusing on the good things in your life.

Lack of sleep:

When you’re tired, it’s hard to find the energy and motivation to do anything.

To keep your motivation high, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and taking care of your physical and mental health.

Fear of failure:

Sometimes, the fear of failure can be so overwhelming that it’s hard to even start.

To overcome this, try focusing on the progress you’re making and reminding yourself that failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Comparing yourself to others can be a surefire way to kill your motivation. Remember, everyone has their own journey and it’s important to focus on your own progress and goals.

It’s important to remember that staying motivated can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and find motivation.

Sometimes, it takes a little extra effort to get out of a rut, but it’s worth it in the end.

The power of positive thinking can do wonders in keeping your motivation high. Self-care is equally important in staying motivated and achieving your goals. So, break out of your comfort zone, take a step back and breathe, and remind yourself that you’ve got this!

13 Thoughts on Life: Inspirational Ideas for cultivating joy

I’ve had my fair share of resets. Unexpected twists. Beautiful surprises. And terrible defeats. But I decided at the end of last year that 2023 is my year of intentional growth.

A year to dare to believe that all the good that I imagine is possible.

A year to put myself out there in new and unexpected ways.

A year to let down the barriers and allow my dreams to truly flourish.

This post collects 13 thoughts on life and inspirational ideas on how to have a more positive life.

1. This is your life and you are empowered to make changes as frequently as you see fit.

The only thing standing in the way of what you desire is dedicated effort and a positive mindset.

2. It’s okay to say how you’re really feeling.

If someone asks “How are you doing?” take a beat to consider your answer.

3. Books are the gateway to new worlds.

Try to read every single day. You will become a better writer and more likely to impress people with interesting tidbits.

4. Conflict is healthy. But remember, conflict does not equal having a screaming match.

You should be able to confidently say your opinion on things, but also be flexible enough to hear other people.

5. Time is your most precious gift.

Use it wisely.

6. You have to exercise a few times a week.

This has nothing to do with losing weight or trying to look hot. Just do it cause it will make you happier and healthier. For me, it’s a win if I get outside for a 20-minute walk. Commit to something small and get moving.

7. You have to eat vegetables every single day.

This seems obvious, but I know waaaay too many people that avoid their greens. Eat the salad. Or make some broccoli. They basically go with every meal.

8. Always be impeccable with your word.

If you say you’re going to do something you have to follow through. That goes for the promises you make to other people because you want to be trustworthy. But this also goes for the promises you make to yourself.

9. If being perfect stops you from completing projects, stop trying to be perfect.

As a recovering perfectionist its hard to ship something when I know its not perfect. But I’m learning that my 80% is pretty damn spectacular, in comparison to choosing not to finish.

10. Some days you will need a nap, a cry, or a vent session to reset.

You don’t have to be strong all the time. And you don’t have to be productive all the time. Listen to your brain, your body, and most importantly your heart.

11. Sometimes you’re going to have to take the risk.

There will never be a perfect time or perfect circumstance.

12. Everything that tastes good is basically bad for you.

Try to change your palette to think about the way food makes you feel after you’ve eaten it. For me, the hardest challenge is cutting back on the sweets. Switching to dark chocolate from cookies helps a bit, but I still have lots of work to do in this area.

13. Write in a journal regularly.

Write what you’re thankful for and what’s troubling you. It gives the perfect snapshot of where you are right now. Then try to reread those journals at least once a year to see how far you’ve come.

From Fear to Freedom: The Transformative Power of Allowing Yourself to be Vulnerable

When it comes to building meaningful connections with others, vulnerability is key. As researcher and author Brené Brown has shown, being open and honest about our thoughts, feelings, and experiences can lead to deeper and more fulfilling relationships. But for many of us, the idea of being vulnerable can be scary and overwhelming.

Vulnerability allows us to connect more deeply with others, build trust, and create a sense of intimacy. It also allows us to be more authentic and true to ourselves, which can lead to a greater sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. And perhaps most importantly, vulnerability allows us to grow and heal from past traumas and experiences.

So how can we begin to embrace the power of vulnerability? Here are five tips to help you get started:

1. Practice self-compassion: Be kind and understanding towards yourself as you navigate the process of being vulnerable. You don’t have to get things right on the first try. You just need to try.

2. Start small: Take baby steps towards vulnerability by sharing something small and manageable with a trusted friend or loved one. See how they react. And decide if you’d like to share more. 

3. Learn to listen: Listening to others with empathy and understanding is an important aspect of vulnerability and creates space for you to be open and honest with the people you care about. 

4. Be present: When you’re with others, be fully present and engaged in the conversation. Put down the phone. Let go of the distractions. And allow yourself to cherish the memory you’re making.

5. Let go of perfection: Remember that vulnerability is about being real and honest, not about being perfect. Perfection is boring. You’re a human being. So consider this your permission to be human. 

Vulnerability is not always easy, but it is a powerful tool for creating meaningful connections and building deeper relationships. By learning to be vulnerable, we open ourselves up to the joys and rewards of a more authentic and fulfilling life. So go forth, be vulnerable, and see where it takes you!

Step outside your comfort zone

To live in the present is not to let go of the past

Your past is always with you

Every moment of hope.

Every painful defeat.

Every deep embrace.

Every broken heart.

The challenge — and I genuinely think this could be the beauty of living — is to not allow the past to limit the joy that’s possible in THIS moment.

To step confidently into new beginnings… even when it’s kinda scary. 

Last week I announced The Reset Workshop, a 5-week mastermind I’m leading that helps you break free of unhelpful patterns and live with more passion, purpose, and energy.

And today I wanted to tell you more. 

Your life doesn’t have to be in shambles to need a reset.

In fact, regularly checking in with yourself and making sure you’re on the right track or doing a little course correction if necessary is essential for living the life you want.

In this live group experience, you’ll:

  • Check in with your mind, body, and spirit and build healthy self-care habits
  • Take an inventory of what’s working and the tiny optimizations you want to make to build your ideal life
  • Define your core values so you can connect with your deepest desires.
  • Create daily, weekly, monthly, and annual rituals to honor the life you live.
  • Use what you discovered to make a tactical plan for the future.

Click now to learn more.

And when you’re ready to purchase, you can get $100 off with code “EARLYBIRD”

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