How to Love

When you can, spread joy and laughter.

When you can’t, be a witness…to their pain, their sadness, their hurt.

Sometimes the most meaningful way to show someone you love them is to sit with them and just listen.

Avoid burnout with these 5 useful tips

Avoid burnout with these five useful tips - burnt out woman sits on decorative background on landline telephone while working on Apple computer

We all know that wasted, poured-out feeling: You look at the brown puddle in the bottom of your coffee mug and think to yourself, That’s me. That’s how I feel right now, and you wonder how long you’ve been coasting along the edge of your endurance. We all know how burnout feels, and we’re aware that it can have damaging, long lasting effects on the mind and body—but how do we avoid burnout?

In medical terms, burnout refers to feelings of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. Left unchecked, prolonged periods of stress, feelings of being overwhelmed or swallowed in work and other responsibilities, and the inability to meet the constant demands of life can fester, resulting in a basic inability to function.

Burnout is more profound, even more serious than it seems on the surface. It can negatively affect physical and mental health in a myriad ways, from fatigue, depression, and irritability to increased likelihood of developing heart disease, to high blood pressure, and mental health conditions that require medication–and it doesn’t stop there. Burnout can create pernicious social, personal, and professional consequences like the inability to “show up” for friends or meet personal and professional responsibilities.

Current research suggests that the average worker will experience career-related burnout by the age of 32, for reasons most often relating to overwork, lack of control, reward, community, fairness, and the affirmation of personal values. 

For this post, we’ve gathered five tips to help avoid burnout and better manage stress.

1. The best way to avoid burnout is to keep it from happening in the first place.

Understanding the root causes of burnout and how it develops can save us the slow, painstaking process of recovery. Most often, burnout results from overextending, pushing yourself to work harder and harder as you neglect your own needs. 

Knowing exactly what your professional responsibilities entail can give you the clarity you need to set clear boundaries and avoid working overtime on unnecessary tasks. 

Taking breaks throughout the day can also help create healthy work-life boundaries and prevent exhaustion. When you find yourself getting tired, distracted, and needing a quick break, take a few moments to stand up and stretch or do a mini-meditation. When you need longer breaks (and you will), be sure to use vacation time to rest and reset. 

2.  Practice Mindfulness

A growing body of evidence shows how mindfulness can help prevent burnout: Mindfulness practices reduce stress and promote more positive emotions, improving self-compassion, allowing better self-care, and alleviating empathy- or compassion-fatigue.

Practice mindfulness by focusing your attention on the inflow and outflow of your breath and being aware of your emotions and how they connect to your senses and sensations in the moment. Meditation and yoga can also help you connect with yourself and process your thoughts and feelings without letting them overwhelm you.

3. Seek Support

The Swedish study mentioned above found mindfulness to be an effective counter for burnout, and the research discovered that compassion and group training are also successful prevention methods. Reaching out, connecting, and seeking support from friends, family, colleagues, or therapists can be powerful tools in helping cope with stress and find encouragement. 

Having someone presently listen (without judgment) to what is causing you stress can take so much weight off your shoulders, but reaching out to support is just as important as reaching out for support. It might seem counter-intuitive that helping others deal with their own stress and negative emotions connected to responsibilities and workload helps you deal with your own issues, but it’s demonstrably true in many cases—provided you maintain healthy boundaries to keep you from shouldering burdens that aren’t your own. 

4. Move Your Body

Exercise is a sure-fire way to alleviate stress and improve your overall sense of wellbeing. In addition to increasing your energy and productivity levels, exercise can encourage you to set goals that will give you back a sense of purpose, drive, and control. Moving your body through regular exercise can also help take your mind off work and promote a healthier work-life balance. Find what feels good to you, whether that’s walking, yoga, pilates, dance, running, or weight-training, all these types of movement can help better manage stress.

5. Find Your Purpose

Reframing the way you perceive and participate in your job can make a profound impact. Besides earning money to support you and your family, what else excites you about your career? Does it have a deeper purpose that impacts your day-to-day? Realigning yourself with your career goals and ambitions can help mitigate work-related stress and ultimately avoid burnout. 

But if your workload is bound to cause burnout, reevaluating your options and setting boundaries can help permanently alleviate some stress. If you need, discuss your options with your supervisor or work together with colleagues to better balance the workload.

It can be difficult to devote as much time and effort to caring for yourself and your own needs as you do to meeting your work responsibilities. Sometimes we are made to feel selfish or self-centered in seeking to recognize and meet our own needs. Keep in mind that taking responsibility. caring for yourself, and advocating for yourself allows you to meet your work responsibilities and show up every day as your best self!

As you move forward in your life and career, keep in mind that these tips are easy to read, but they can by tricky to apply. Be gentle with yourself and remember to focus on progress more than perfection–Don’t add to your stress by beating yourself up when you fall short–just take stock and commit to do better next time!

This is My Reset Year

This is my reset year 

A year of thoughtful reflection
New beginnings
Deep learning 
Meaningful relationships 
Uninhibited joy
And intentional growth 

This is my reset year.

Here’s why it’s important to disconnect and how to unplug

You need to put your phone down (not right now though, finish this first).

Like most people, you may wake up and grab your phone first thing in the morning before you’re spending 8+ hours staring at a desktop/laptop, whether you’re working from home or back in the office then you’re getting caught up on TV series, movies and/or social media posts. It’s not that technology is bad. It’s just that it’s nonstop.

Looking for a new recipe? Find one on Pinterest.

Need a new scarf? Buy it on Amazon.

Setting the mood? Queue new music in Spotify.

There are so many pros to having computers and access to the internet with us everywhere we go. There is also so much information available at all times that it leads to an overload. The average person checks their devices every 6.5 minutes. How can you feel at peace, when your phone is distracting you this often in a day?  You’re due for a break from being plugged in constantly.

Reconnect with yourself

Convenience is great but the downside to being over-connected is that it erodes our relationship with ourselves in tiny, ignorable ways. Our devices can bring so much accessibility and productivity to the work we do in our lives but if we don’t carve out quiet time to spend with our thoughts and feelings, bigger problems develop and eventually make practicing being present more difficult.

Find a silent space to sit and take time to examine your thoughts. Meditating for at least 5-10 minutes a day can improves your self-awareness, lower your stress or anxiety levels and improve your self-esteem. Meditating also improves your focus. Think of this as an added benefit for when you are in front of another screen. With improved focus, you’ll be able to get more of the things you want done. 

Journaling is another common way to tap into some inner feelings and thoughts that might go unnoticed in your day-to-day living. Finding a place to write and check in with yourself emotionally by just recounting the events of your day or writing out your hopes for your present or future is a good way to reconnect with yourself.

You might even be able to disconnect from technology long enough to hear a hidden truth that’s been waiting to be found in your heart.

Reconnect with others

Our relationship with ourselves may be number one but number two would be our relationships with other people. Our society has long praised independence as the way of existence but we get the best out of life when we operate with the mindset of interdependence. Interdependence entertains the idea that humans are built for mutually dependent relationships and collaboration.  Combat the belief that most people are islands. We are more like peninsulas.

Reconnect with your friends or family. If you can, spend some screen-less time doing the things you enjoy, like, reading aloud, putting puzzles together, hiking, a HIIT circuit. If you aren’t able to visit your loved ones because of social distancing or you live in different areas, become pen pals and send handwritten letters through the mail between text messages and video calls. 

While you’re waiting in line at the grocery store or some other place, start a conversation with a stranger. Really listen to what they say to you and when you’re done, tell them you appreciated talking to them. You can journal later about how the interaction made you feel.

Reconnect with nature

Nature sustains us with most of what we need: food, water, air, sunlight. It makes so much sense that we should have a relationship with the earth just like we do with ourselves and others. Simply being in nature can reduce blood pressure, anxiety, anger and muscle tension. It can make you feel better emotionally. 

Tap into the benefits of nature by bringing some of it into your home. Plant a micro garden of herbs in the windowsill if you don’t have space to plant a larger garden outside. You can also bring in some houseplants to strategically place throughout your place to improve the air quality in your home. 

Get outdoors for a 15-30 minute walk. Walking in your neighborhood might spark a new idea for a creative project you want to start.

Accept the challenge

For the brave at heart, put your phone on airplane mode, avoid the laptop, and decide to step away from binging your favorite show for 24 hours.

Disconnect for one day and see the beauty of life unfolding in front of your eyes.

TODAY’S JOURNALING PROMPT: What three apps on your phone do you use the most? After using each app how do you normally feel? What value do these apps add to your life?

Studio Vlog 01 • Let’s draw plants, meditate, and get a haircut

In this studio vlog, you get to see a few days in the life of a full-time creator. In this video, I write an article, play with new art supplies, post to Instagram, meditate, and get a haircut. Watch along to go behind the scenes.

Here’s the link to my September Business and Life Review:…

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