Meet the glamorous woman that also happens to be a full-time farmer

by | Humans

Nicolette Gordon, known to Instagram as FarmHer Missy, is keeping her family dream alive in her hometown of Greensburg, Louisiana as a full-time farmer. 

At the beginning of her career, she worked in communications, starting her own internet radio show. Then she became an extension agent, helping farmers get the support they need in the Greensburg area. This was around the time she really got closer to her true calling: farming.

Early Influences and how Nicolette got into farming

“My dad, who passed away a year ago, still lived in Greensburg and I came in and worked there for so many years. It gave me an opportunity to stop and see my dad on my lunch breaks, bring him food. We were able to get that bonding time. Then he passed.”

“We have land and my grandfather told me at a very young age, ‘Whatever y’all do…don’t sell my land.’ We were having these conversations early. I didn’t quite understand then but I get it now.” 

“Last year I had a bountiful harvest of okra. While I was going through that process my dad was sick so I kind of got away from it. When people transition you have to take time to process everything. So I’ve just been kind of going through those emotions because that was my go-to person when I had questions about farming. I’m a farmer but I’m a beginning farmer. I planted okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and squash.”

My grandfather has been gone for a while but he used to plant everything! If you could grow it, he planted it. But I’m finding that I have a green thumb for okra.”

“I would say that the work is rewarding. At this particular time, we aren’t selling any produce from the vegetables that we’ve planted and harvested. So the work right now is more about tapping into nature.”

“Eventually we plan to diversify with the property. Right now we’re just getting [Hempstock Farms] prepared. We’re going to bring cattle back and plant some more vegetables and get into whatever other agricultural opportunities are available out there for us to take advantage of our land.”

Behind the scenes of being a full-time farmer

“I kind of ended up farming by default. I’ve always had an intrigue with nature. I’m one of those women who loves to get dressed up but I also like to put my hands in the dirt. I’ve always craved that balance. Farming isn’t easy work. I’ve seen some pretty hot days but it’s therapeutic. Just knowing that you can do it. It’s rewarding to put a seed in the ground and actually see it come up. A lot of times when I’m out there that’s where some of my brightest ideas come from. You’re just going down the rows, working and there is just peace and solace.” 

“Farming is labor-intensive. We are in a different time where farming is a little bit more technological than it used to be but of course, you have to have money to buy those big tractors with the air-conditioned cab. I’m getting there but you have to plan properly.” 

The joy of having a simple life

“Self-care for me is eating one of the biggest steaks that I can eat. If I’ve worked hard, I’m going to eat good! That’s one of my pleasures. Or it could be going hiking. I’m one of those people who need to be out in nature. I do guided meditation too. I get good sleep. I try to guard my ears and my eyes. I make sure a lot of the things I listen to are inspirational. There are a lot of things going on in the world and it’s easy to just scroll and get drawn into it. I try to listen to things that keep me in a high vibrational state. You have to guard your mind and time.” 

“And my children motivate me. I have three daughters. I wanted to make sure I set the tone for what they would follow or what they would see. I never wanted them to have to look outside of home for inspiration, mentors or people to look up to. I always wanted to be that first person.”

“Here’s the funny thing about my life and the way that God has structured it, everything that I have done I have always found a way to bring somebody with me. Even in the role as an extension agent, I would bring my sister in because she was in social work and she would do workshops with the youth. I have another sister who has her own business and she would make t-shirts and teach children how to make t-shirts. With family, even with friends, I’ve always tapped into their strengths to see how we could do things collectively together in our community.”

“I like to work in a team environment. I’m not one of the people who is a stickler about handling things alone. I do have the innate ability to lead but I do believe that we are better together.”

The power of self-sustainability and keeping a family legacy alive

“I will retire as a farmer. My favorite project is the farm. I should say “our farm” because it is a family farm. I’m really on this farm thing because we’ve gotten so far removed from self-sustainability. It’s one of those things where although it’s for my family, it’s also for our community. I want people to see young Black women and young Black men taking interest in being able to sustain themselves. You have to have that willingness and drive that comes from seeing other people, who look like us, do the work. Getting this farm together is keeping my grandfather’s legacy going.” 

Practical Self-Care Advice

“It’s time to get back into nature and let people know that agriculture is not a thing of old. This is where we come from.”

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