inner peace is knowing the world is a mess and still choosing joy

by | Peace Memes

I am manifesting unshakable peace

The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan

The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others

The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work out

The kind of peace where I know that my intentions speak louder than my words

The kind of peace where my actions are always revealed to come from love

a journal prompt on how to find calm in the chaos

a journal prompt on how to find calm in the chaos

a journal prompt on how to find calm in the chaos What tools and tactics work best for you to manage your anxiety? To manage my anxiety, I find that a combination of deep breathing exercises and regular physical activity works wonders in calming my nervous system and...

today’s inspiration: I am manifesting unshakeable peace

today’s inspiration: I am manifesting unshakeable peace

I am manifesting unshakable peace The kind of peace where i know that I’m moving in the right direction even when everything doesn’t go to plan The kind of peace where my light repels some and encourages others The kind of peace where I trust that everything will work...