How to get out of a creative rut with Eso Tolson

by | Humans

“A place to dance. A place to relax.” 

According to Eso Tolson, Memphis-based curator and hand letterer, those two things may be able to bring you out of a creative rut. 

“Creative ruts can be tricky. Sometimes, to get out of a rut you just need to keep going. Like, if you’re working on a piece and it isn’t quite coming together, sometimes working through it can help you get to the other side of it.”

“Other times, to get out of a rut you need to stop and do something else completely. Sometimes that means taking a break, watch your favorite show, talk with a friend, or live some life. Sometimes that gives us the inspiration that we need to continue and make things happen again.”

“Besides myself, my favorite project is one I’m working on called “Chill Mode”. “Chill Mode” started as a series of playlist I curated during the beginning of the international quarantine in 2020. It’s evolving into an initiative to encourage people to create spaces of rest for themselves. I have “Chill Mode” shirts available on

“I believe if we create more spaces of rest for ourselves that we can become sharper, more powerful, and more present for ourselves and others.”

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