Career Memes

by | Career

your step-by-step roadmap for personal branding

I’m starting to notice a trend among creative professionals.

We’re all feeling like: “what is even going on right now.”

With economic uncertainty, disruptive technology, and just a general sense of burnout and overwhelm, it seems like the creative community is just tired. Like low key exhausted. 

I think now more than ever you need more clarity, direction, and confidence in your creative journey.

And if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain about your career path, know that you’re not alone.

I put together a step by step roadmap for personal branding that’s actually super useful.

I sent it to my homie and she said: “wait justin this is really good”

And like it’s really good.

And free… at least for now.

All you gotta do is take the first step and click.

Today is the day

Today is the day…

To reach out

To start looking

To make a plan

To start a new goal

To get back to the gym

To rest

To forge a new path

To try again

To say, “This time I’m committed”

To finally let go

To break through

To break out

To break open

Today is the day.

slow but steady progress

Given the choice, I opt for slow but steady progress over being confined by unrealistic standards of perfection.

Avoid burnout with these 5 useful tips

Avoid burnout with these 5 useful tips

We all know that wasted, poured-out feeling: You look at the brown puddle in the bottom of your coffee mug and think to yourself, That’s me. That’s how I feel right now, and you wonder how long you’ve been coasting along the edge of your...