An inspirational mantra

by | Inspirational Memes, Memes

Repeat after me:

Today I am forgiving myself for the mistakes I made along the way. I might not be perfect, but I am worth loving.

My growth isn’t up for debate

My growth isn’t up for debate

Finding Your Joy Tip No. 001 Some people don’t misunderstand you. They understand you just fine… they just don’t like that you’ve changed. That’s their problem, not yours. Your joy requires evolution. Keep growing, keep shining. And the right people will...

Reclaiming my fury

One of the greatest gifts of my healing journey is reclaiming my fury. Joy doesn’t erase other emotions—it coexists with them. It’s not a denial of the realities of anger, sadness, or fear. But a reminder that you can experience the full spectrum of emotions and still...